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Galio Ability (LoL): Runic Skin

Runic Skin Galio

Galio Ability: Runic Skin
Galio receives 50% of his total magic resistance as additional ability power.

Galio's Abilities

Galio Ability: Runic Skin Galio Ability: Runic Skin Galio Ability: Runic Skin Galio Ability: Runic Skin
Runic Skin is used by Galio

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8bitmadness | October 23, 2012 10:52pm
Stacking MR gives AP. simple as that. I like it. Helps me go against very bursty AP carries and live, especially in team fights, since I can stack additional MR, and get AP out of it, so I can be somewhat tanky against AP carries and still be able to get in some burst with all the supporting I do.
Zalax | June 7, 2011 7:39am
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