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Samira Ability (LoL): SamiraTaunt

SamiraTaunt Samira

Samira Ability: SamiraTaunt
Range: 950
TAUNT: If Samira does not interrupt the emote for 3 seconds, she tosses a coin in the direction she is facing. If she has at least 1 gold, the first enemy champion hit, including dead ones, takes an insulting 1 true damage but also receives 1 gold from Samira.

If cast while a corpse of an enemy champion is within range, Samira will turn to face towards the closest one.

Samira's Abilities

Samira Ability: SamiraTaunt Samira Ability: SamiraTaunt Samira Ability: SamiraTaunt Samira Ability: SamiraTaunt
SamiraTaunt is used by Samira

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