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Elise Ability (LoL): Spider Queen

Spider Queen Elise

Elise Ability: Spider Queen
Elise begins the game with a point in her ultimate, allowing her to shapeshift between Human Form and Spider Form.

Human Form: Elise's ability hits grant her a dormant Spiderling (with a max of 2).

Spider Form: Attacks deal an additional 12 / 22 / 32 / 42 (+20% of ability power) bonus magic damage and restores 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 (+8% of ability power) health.

Elise's Abilities

Elise Ability: Spider Queen Elise Ability: Spider Queen Elise Ability: Spider Queen Elise Ability: Spider Queen
Spider Queen is used by Elise

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Sombering Soul | June 1, 2020 4:30pm
Why does this not actually say what their passive does?
VexRoth (78) | November 3, 2015 10:37am
Apparently the passive name has been changed to Spider Queen.

NA LoL Elise Rap Sheet
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