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Volibear Ability (LoL): Stormbringer

Stormbringer Volibear

Volibear Ability: Stormbringer
Range: 700
Cooldown: 160 / 135 / 110
Cost: 100
Volibear transforms and leaps, gaining 200 / 400 / 600 health and 50 attack range for the next 12 seconds. Upon landing, Volibear cracks the earth, disabling nearby towers for 2 / 3 / 4 seconds and dealing 300 / 500 / 700 (+2.5 per bonus attack damage) (+125% of ability power) physical damage to them. Nearby enemies are slowed by 50%, decaying over 1 second. Enemies directly underneath Volibear suffer 300 / 500 / 700 (+2.5 per bonus attack damage) (+125% of ability power) physical damage.

Volibear's Abilities

Volibear Ability: Stormbringer Volibear Ability: Stormbringer Volibear Ability: Stormbringer Volibear Ability: Stormbringer
Stormbringer is used by Volibear

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alex1z2x3c4v | December 1, 2011 8:55pm
First Comment!
Also i am using this for my build too
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