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Volibear Ability (LoL): The Relentless Storm

The Relentless Storm Volibear

Volibear Ability: The Relentless Storm
Range: 450
Volibear gains 5% (+4% per 100 ability power) attack speed for 6 seconds whenever he deals damage with an ability or attack, stacking up to 5 times.

At 5 stacks, Volibear's claws ignite with lightning, causing his attacks to deal an additional 11−60 (+50% of ability power) magic damage to the target and 4 closest enemies (depending on level).

Volibear's Abilities

Volibear Ability: The Relentless Storm Volibear Ability: The Relentless Storm Volibear Ability: The Relentless Storm Volibear Ability: The Relentless Storm
The Relentless Storm is used by Volibear

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Forgottenduty (78) | February 15, 2012 6:19pm
TremorMK wrote:

Mundo VS Voli Regen
Max of 4000 HP
Mundos 70% you got 2800 per 12 sec or 233 per 1 sec - 30% which on 30% hp it is -400.To be more exact 33 per sec witch will SUM as 200 hp per 1 sec . As for Voli 30% is 1200 per 6 sec or 200 per 1 sec.
Keep in mind that Mundos Ulty last longer but it is not automatic and if used above 50% will regen LESS.
The result is clear Mundos ULTY 200/1 = Voli PASSIVE 200/1 !
(Mundo Sad)

That explains why he is soo hard to kill even if you Ignite him.Just pure pain in the right hands.
EdySan (1) | January 11, 2012 4:02pm
a bit op..
Deathwalker8000 (3) | December 20, 2011 5:28pm
^^ Nice number crunching

and that icon looks so stupid >-<
TremorMK (5) | December 15, 2011 12:37pm
Mundo VS Voli Regen
Max of 4000 HP
Mundos 70% you got 2800 per 12 sec or 233 per 1 sec - 30% which on 30% hp it is -400.To be more exact 33 per sec witch will SUM as 200 hp per 1 sec . As for Voli 30% is 1200 per 6 sec or 200 per 1 sec.
Keep in mind that Mundos Ulty last longer but it is not automatic and if used above 50% will regen LESS.
The result is clear Mundos ULTY 200/1 = Voli PASSIVE 200/1 !
(Mundo Sad)
ihaverabies4 | December 2, 2011 9:48pm
first! (why are you reading this its just his passive)
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