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Ezreal Ability (LoL): Trueshot Barrage

Trueshot Barrage Ezreal

Ezreal Ability: Trueshot Barrage
Range: 20000
Cooldown: 120 / 105 / 90
Cost: 100
Ezreal fires a massive energy arc that deals 350 / 550 / 750 (+90% of ability power) (+1.0 per bonus attack damage) magic damage. The arc deals 175 / 275 / 375 (+45% of ability power) (+0.5 per bonus attack damage) damage to minions and non-epic jungle monsters.

Ezreal's Abilities

Ezreal Ability: Trueshot Barrage Ezreal Ability: Trueshot Barrage Ezreal Ability: Trueshot Barrage Ezreal Ability: Trueshot Barrage
Trueshot Barrage is used by Ezreal

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TwitcherBrain (37) | September 1, 2012 9:15am
Crimson254 wrote:

Enemy team: sweet we just killed baron and have to reca...

... Ezreal scored a penta kill!!!

If support has Clairvoyance, this is alike Lux ultimate.
Crimson254 (1) | July 11, 2012 8:08pm
Enemy team: sweet we just killed baron and have to reca...

... Ezreal scored a penta kill!!!
Doodlee (7) | February 9, 2012 6:42am
@Eredius, this isnt a blog dude.
IronikZzz (2) | August 25, 2011 2:23am
Makes enemy's pushing lane with low hp cry :D
Eredius (2) | January 18, 2011 10:50pm
P.S.: Also used to clear creep waves especially when Sivir and co. are pushing your turrets.
Eredius (2) | January 18, 2011 10:48pm
Do comment x3
Eredius (2) | January 18, 2011 10:47pm
3. Sniping
- REMEMBER this is the least important use of Trueshot Barrage!
- High miss chance
- Annoying KillSteal (KS) I DO NOT necessarily recommend this.
- Tips:

What??? You killed Morde? Nvm, I'll avenge him.
Hmmm, walking into a bush, heh?


Ashe's view:
Meh, that Morde was ezy. I'll just sit in this brush and Recall. Lalalalalala...WTFFFFFFFFFF!

*Ezreal is on a killing spree!*

- Snipe to help your allies across the map in an intense battle for survival.
Eredius (2) | January 18, 2011 10:36pm
2. Laning dominance
- Use in combo with Q - E - W - R + Ignite for absolute single lane dominance
- Think you can fite me eh? Lol we're both down to 30% hp. Luckily i have this... hah!

* Blows the head off Ashe *

That's time to FARM FARM FARM! and push the mid turret of course.
Eredius (2) | January 18, 2011 10:31pm
Used for (1 to 3 based on decreasing priority):

1. Teamfight aoe nuke
- Deals decent damage to all affected enemies, even on a AD build
- Charges your passive, great benefit for AD
- Turns tides in teamfights if it hits important targets(their carry e.g Ashe) , especially true for AP Ezreal
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