When Kha'Zix is not visible to the enemy team, his next attack against a champion deals an additional 14−116 (+0.4 per bonus attack damage) magic damage and slows by 25% for 2 seconds.
If you play kha, you'll notice that he has these purple knives coming out of his claws. These are a visual indication that his passive can be applied. You'll also notice that they'll dissappear sometimes as well, if you hop into a bush, you'll notice they return until you basic attack another enemy champ.
Kha is an ambush style champ, so his kit is fantastic for jumping from bushes and kicking all the ***es and (once leap is evolved) you can just jump back out of the fray, or jump to the next fleeing opponent and net yourself another kill. His passive really emphasizes that ambush style of play, but is otherwise kind of useless.
Kha is an ambush style champ, so his kit is fantastic for jumping from bushes and kicking all the ***es and (once leap is evolved) you can just jump back out of the fray, or jump to the next fleeing opponent and net yourself another kill. His passive really emphasizes that ambush style of play, but is otherwise kind of useless.