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Kha'Zix Ability (LoL): Void Assault

Void Assault Kha'Zix

Kha'Zix Ability: Void Assault
Cooldown: 100 / 85 / 70
Cost: 100
Passive: Leveling up this ability allows Kha'zix to Evolve one of his abilities, granting it additional effects:

Active: Kha'Zix becomes invisible for 1.25 seconds and gains 40% movement speed. Kha'zix may Recast this ability once within 12 seconds.

Evolved: Invisibility duration lasts 2 seconds and gains a second cast.

Kha'Zix's Abilities

Kha'Zix Ability: Void Assault Kha'Zix Ability: Void Assault Kha'Zix Ability: Void Assault Kha'Zix Ability: Void Assault
Void Assault is used by Kha'Zix

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DaRealWario (2) | March 20, 2014 3:56pm
What are the cooldowns for each rank anyway? It hasn't been updated in ages...
ganie (1) | November 16, 2013 11:12pm
So an assumption here, and please correct me if i'm wrong, but if I don't use the second activation in that 10 second window, I loose it, right? I assume this ability has a cooldown, would be a little overpowered if it didn't.
If that's the case, the same rule should apply to it if you have a evolved ability or not, after that 10 second window, poof. So you have to be really good at utilizing it. The DMG reduction is nice, though.

I don't know, if they were to drastically reduce it's cooldown, or increase cost and remove the cooldown all together, then sweet. Personally, I would take this over the volley, but i can understand why most don't.
0rtega (5) | July 30, 2013 3:23pm
not sure why this isn't upgraded very often. I would think it be effective in team fights.
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