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Shen Ability (LoL): Vorpal Blade

Vorpal Blade Shen

Shen Ability: Vorpal Blade
Range: 475
Cooldown: 6 / 5.5 / 5 / 4.5 / 4
Cost: 60
Deals 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+60% of ability power) magic damage to target unit. That unit becomes life tapped for 5 seconds, healing any champions who attack it for 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 (+ 1.5% of Shen's maximum health) health over 3 seconds. If Vorpal Blade deals the killing blow, it will trigger 33% of the heal effect for Shen.

Shen's Abilities

Shen Ability: Vorpal Blade Shen Ability: Vorpal Blade Shen Ability: Vorpal Blade Shen Ability: Vorpal Blade
Vorpal Blade is used by Shen

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Thegenuinebuzz | January 15, 2013 11:03am
where did the 33% stat come from? afaik when it deals the killin blow, you get healed the base ability amount, excluding the extra health bonus
IcyAuron (23) | December 25, 2012 11:25pm
Absurd healing. So good.
J0MiN (1) | March 7, 2012 1:02pm
Old Data
Free (sometime) OP Heal To All your Team Mates ... Next good reason to stack's 6 Warmog's Armor. They Will Give you 9981 TOTAL hp... Whats Mean If you or your Team Mate Attack Marked Will Gain 150 hp (in 3 secs)
Just A Reflex (1) | April 10, 2011 8:29am
Damage: 50 / 95 / 140 / 185 / 230 (+65% of ability power)
Duration: 5 seconds
Heal: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 (+20% of ability power)
Cooldown: 3 seconds
Cost: 70 / 65 / 60 / 55 / 50 energy
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