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Draven Ability (LoL): Wicked Blades

Wicked Blades Draven

Draven Ability: Wicked Blades
Draven's critical strikes deal 30 + (4 × level) bonus physical damage over 4 seconds. Spinning Axe also causes this effect even if it does not critically strike.

Draven's Abilities

Draven Ability: Wicked Blades Draven Ability: Wicked Blades Draven Ability: Wicked Blades Draven Ability: Wicked Blades
Wicked Blades is used by Draven

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XFabioXD | September 30, 2018 4:05am
old draven passive pls :)
shomii | September 30, 2018 10:39pm
bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back. bring it back.
Vynertje (386) | February 10, 2014 7:15am
pimoz wrote:

does this mean BUILD HIM 100% CRIT!!!!????

No. This passive doesn't even exist anymore.
pimoz (4) | February 10, 2014 7:12am
does this mean BUILD HIM 100% CRIT!!!!????
Hodgeybeatz (18) | August 15, 2013 5:56pm
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