What changed in bot lane?

- Bard's Caretaker's Shrine mana cost decreased by 20.
- Perfect Timing now gives Stopwatch at 8 minutes instead of 10.
- Demolish damage increased by 50.

- Chrysalis health reduced by 10.
- Bone Plating damage reduction reduced.
- Kill streak bounties now only grant gold to the killer. Gold from bounty reduced at all ranks.

- Stealth Ward lives longer, but has a longer cool down.

How will this effect bot lane ?

I expect there to be little to no changes to occur in bot lane this patch. The reason for this is because nearly nothing on this patch will effect bot lane. The only major thing you need to know is that if dragon river scuttle is up, you better get your *** over there. With that being said I can say which champions I think will be most effective this patch...

Strong ADCS

50.2% Winrate
3.6% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

Jhin is great for two reasons. The 1st reason is that game times are short still. Jhin is great vs squishy or low armor team comps; but not so much against tanky compositions or in the late game. Since the game times are ending around just before 30 minutes, Jhin can still pump out damage without having to worry about late game armor. The 2nd reason is that Dancing Grenadeand Deadly Flourish are more easy to land, partly thanks to the popularity of ranged supports, such as Morgana, Nami, and Soraka; but also the general light poke meta we are in at the moment.

50.9% Winrate
44.7% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

There is a reason that Kai'sa has such a high ban rate. The main problem with Kai'sa is that she trades too well and scales too well. Her Icathian Rain is way too easy to use with too much reward gained as well. She can out trade just about every ADC in the game and scales very well into the mid to late game. Until her AD ratios are tuned, expect this champion to stay very relevant in the meta.

Strong Supports

51.3% Winrate
30% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

The best response to a ranged poke/heal support is a all in support. Morgana acts as the safe pick to this counter support pick. She brings the pain of a ranged support with her Tormented Shadow and Dark Binding, but also brings a ton of protection against kill/all in supports, such as Thresh and Blitzcrank with her Dark Binding and Black Shield. Overall think of her as a safe pick vs other ranged supports and a counter pick to counter-meta picks.

53.3% Winrate
2.3% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

Nami is a great support to go even with against popular ranged support champions such as Soraka, Janna, and Lulu; who are all very popular in the bot lane at the moment. Her Ebb and Flow give her the tool she needs to sustain and trade with these type of champions, but brings harder CC with her Aqua Prison and Tidal Wave. In short, she brings the same power as other champions in her class, but out classes them when it comes to CC tools.

Hidden Gem

48.7% Winrate
0.3% Ban Rate
Direct Changes: None

As I said before, if you want to beat the ranged support meta and refuse to bow down to it, go in the other direction: all in supports. Sure you could go Blitzcrank or Thresh, but one has only a single solid CC and the other is not easy to pick up. This is where my boy Naut comes in. He has the tool to go in hard with both his Dredge Line and Depth Charge, but also has the tools to keep himself safe with Titan's Wrath and Riptide. It also helps that he is a relativity easy champion to play with, with a easy to understand kit!


I feel that tanky support champions are not getting the love they need. There has been slight tank nerfs over multiple patches, that has eventually lead to tanks being more situational, rather than a good blind pick. While it is historical that ranged supports have done better than melee supports, it is becoming a bit more noticeable with each new patch. It is not a overwhelming advantage, but I would say it feels bad to be a tank loving support main at the moment.

As for the ADC role, it is doing good, but not great. A select few champions are way too good at what they do and require a guaranteed ban, unless one wishes to lower their odds of winning. Other than that ADC role is not looking all that bad. It is the most important role at the moment and enjoys the support of 4 other teammates( Unless of course they are bad ).

ADC Health: A-
Support Health: B-
Overall enjoyment: B+
Final Grade: B