Hello everyone I am back for another Blog. I wanted to bring you some good ideas for bans since some champs really need to be banned in this Meta or they will carry super hard, here they are!

Top Lane: Irelia
Reason: Irelia has seen a massive spike in pick percentage and for a good reason. She can thrive on being ahead, behind, or even with the other champion. Her 2 second stun, 75 true damage, and super high tenacity make her extremely hard to fight. She falls off late, so just bet on that!

Jungle: Jarvan IV
Reason: Super tanky, fast clear, amazing ganks, for more information, look into my last Blog!

Mid: Ahri
Reason: This fox has 3 dashes, a taunt, and high amounts of Magical and True Damage. Avoid fighting her and if you have to fight her, avoid her Charm and Orb. Counter her with any form of hard CC or a spell shield.

ADC: Sivir
Reason: Sivir counters a lot of ADCs, she can block spells and has massive range as well as a speed boost. Most other champs in the Meta have trouble against her such as Graves, Lucain, and Caitlyn. Beware of this champ, her main counter is Vayne.

Support: Leona
Reason: Leona has the most Crowd Control I have ever seen! An Ult that can stun/slow, another stun, another slow, and a root. Her initiation and peel are insane, and she will normally survive due to her tankiness. Counter her with Morgana and Sivir.

Thanks again guys