Hello there Summoner!

You can call me Kiki! Or... Wolfie if you prefer because of my Summoner name.


So as you can see I'm new around here! Gonna take some time getting used to typing in this little box... Telling you guys about champs and such... But that's no biggy!

So without further-a-do, let me tell you a little about myself.
I haven't been playing League for very long, a few months or so.
(I'm not a pro, trust me)
But I do know some about builds, champions, and allll the fun stuff!
Or, the main stuff anyway heh… It can be a little overwhelming at first, especially with all the champions, and roles, and items. But once you get used to it, it becomes a little more comfortable.
So let’s talk about my League life shall we?
The champions I play mostly are:
And Lulu!

When I started playing League, I learned Poppy. So she has been my main for quite some time. But recently, I’ve gathered up the courage to actually start playing different champs, which led me to Kennen, and then many other champs.
Now the list above does not contain all the champs I know.
That list would be LOOOOONG.
So how about we save that for later, eh?

Now, a few champs I didn’t put on the list I have as back-ups are Tristana, Ahri, and Gnar.
Reason I didn’t put them on the list? I don’t play them much anymore, but I could easily play them if needed. (Except Ahri… I’m still kinda learning her ha ha…)

So, you may be wondering; what should I expect from you?
Well… Uh.
Lots and lots of stuff!
I’ll be mostly posting League of Legends based stuff, like game-play (expect this later in the future if I decide to make a YouTube channel), guides, and other things like that!
Sound interesting?
I’m happy you’ll be watching for more content!

Since I’m just starting out, uploads might be a tad slow. (Blame life *Points finger at life*)
But, I will try to upload when possible.

Thank you guys so much for reading! I’m so excited to meet all you guys!

~Kiki out