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Aurora Build Guide by Tokiyami

Middle [Patch 14.17] S14 CHALLENGER AURORA GUIDE (will update as I climb)

Middle [Patch 14.17] S14 CHALLENGER AURORA GUIDE (will update as I climb)

Updated on August 30, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tokiyami Build Guide By Tokiyami 11 3 20,281 Views 0 Comments
11 3 20,281 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Tokiyami Aurora Build Guide By Tokiyami Updated on August 30, 2024
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1 2
Fleet Footwork
Presence of Mind
Legend: Haste
Cut Down

Manaflow Band

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Champion Build Guide

[Patch 14.17] S14 CHALLENGER AURORA GUIDE (will update as I climb)

By Tokiyami

Hey friends, my name is Tokiyami, I was a challenger akali one trick but recently found enjoyment in a new champ which is Aurora. I haven't been playing Aurora for that long but I can probably say that I am without a doubt pretty good at her. I hit chall with Aurora with a 68% wr and I wanted to make this guide to share the progress I have gone through playing her and what to build, what to do, and what not to do. I hope you guys enjoy reading this guide or not but I hope this helps out with some of your Aurora struggles.

(I will also release an Aurora Guide Video someday if I get some motivation for it I guess)

my for proof

If you enjoy any type of Aurora content please feel free to leave a follow me on twitch.

Anyways, let us start off on what Aurora is. Aurora is a versatile champion in League of Legends, known for her ability to control the battlefield with her ice-themed abilities. Her playstyle revolves around spacing, zone control, and area denial, making her a formidable presence in both team fights and skirmishes.

    strong utility
    Excellent zone control and area denial
    Good survivability and kiting potential
    Synergizes well with team compositions
    Relatively low burst damage
    Can struggle against highly mobile champions
    Reliant on proper positioning and ability timing

Overall, Aurora's playstyle rewards players who excel at strategic positioning, timing, and coordination with their team. Her presence on the battlefield can turn the tide of fights and secure objectives, making her a valuable asset in any game.
Ability Breakdown
Twofold Hex is Aurora's main source of dps and waveclear. When going for trades/poke your q is the most important part of your combo early, because a lvl 1 q auto q can chunk 1/4 or more of someones hp. I've noticed players do this, when using this to wave clear make sure you q and then q again so you get pull back dmg for the brawlers before you e. Another thing I've seen players do is try to q someone max range after autoing but when you walk into range to q someone you want to q before you auto because if you auto first it gives them time to walk out of your q.

Across the Veil has many uses, you can either use it for engage or disengage. This ability is very key for roaming (if you're playing midlane) because you get movespeed after using it and its very nice to combo your W with R for a gank or engage. Pretty simple ability that has a lot of uses just don't over stimulate yourself when using this ability.

The weirding... What a weird name to call an ability anyways, this ability is usually comboed with your Q because you can cast them simultaneously. Comboed with your Q this is a pretty good waveclear mechanic, you can also E flash with his ability as well. This ability is just pretty strong by itself but careful of knockback because you can miss some kills because of it, the only issue is that people will try to wallhop with this ability but you have to line yourself up pixel perfect so its not worth at all to try.

Between Worlds is one of the most over powered abilities ever because you don't have to aim it nor do you have to click it on someone like camille ulti. Using Aurora ulti for picks and teamfights is usually what you aim for, most of the times you want to save ulti for early game depending on if you need to engage or escape. Tbh pretty straight forward ulti uses lol theres not much to explain with this you just press R and either go behind them or you just use it to run away.

Her runes are pretty straight forward at the moment.

Electrocute is very good for early game trades, poke, and just overall burst damage. Electrocute also procs on your Q E Q combo so thats why its just really good at the moment because you proc it really fast.

Fleet allows you to space, sustain, and gain movement speed during fights. This rune allows Aurora lane phase to go smoother than usual especially if you're playing her mid because it allows her to sustain in some lanes that are not possible to play in. Fleet is just a pretty good safe rune to take and it allows Aurora to just become a spacing monster if used correctly.

Flash is always needed she might have two dashes but flash is just too op not to have early game because she doesn't have that much insurance early game so its always good to have flash for engages or escapes.

Teleport is one of the most broken summoners at the moment and out does ignite by a mile. It gives great value in lanephase and teamfights alike. Even if you're getting bullied in lane you always have tp as insurance so you won't fall behind as much or tp can also make you gain a lead if that lane is winning for you. overall good for teamfights, laning, and good for sidelaning.

Aurora's lane phase can really be hit or miss just considering on matchup. Early game you'll most likely be the abuser or the abused because if you play her midlane like I do there are champs like lucian, syndra, lux who outrange you, but there are also champs like sylas, yone, and irelia who you can easily abuse and not get abused just because of your W ability. In hard matchups that outrange you its better to try and farm and sustain rather than taking bad trades. Your level 2 spike opens up your Q E combo which is very nice to use vs champs that get up close to you like sylas where you can Q E when he gets close to you giving you easy poke dmg and free disengage with your E. Just be mindful when your abilities are on cooldown because early game you will get punished if you walk up with nothing up. You will ever rarely kill long range champs but with most shortrange/melee matchups you'll always have some kill potential early but if you can't find any angles you can always just chill until 6 and try an all in because you won't be punished if you play around your ult correctly. Aurora just exceeds at early skirmishes so any jg skirmishes or roams are very nice for her and what you should be looking for.

When teamfighting there are two things you need to keep in mind, who to ult or what to use your ult on. When looking to ulti you want to either entrap their carries ensuring a free pick, or look to trap their frontline so that your team can one shot them. Aurora ulti is a pretty big chunk of damage if you can land it on all 5, but most of the times you'll be looking to pick off the enemy adc/squishy with your ultimate. Her teamfight is pretty much hit and run because you're a in and out champ that runs away and runs back in basically kiting as a mage instead of an adc.

In teamfights you want to position yourself as like an assassin I guess because your only job is to press R on the correct person. For new players especially try not to get to trigger happy on her R button because you have to be patient with it because you have to find the correct angles for you and your team, impatience could result in you getting picked or your team losing the fight. Later on in the game your passive gives you quite a bit of movement speed so that allows you to become a hit and run champ running in pressing your abilities and then running out. If you're good at this not only will you carry fights but you will have no troubles carrying any teamfights as well. Aurora is also really good at sidelaning because she has two abilites that allow her to escape, first her W is a good spell that allows her to just run away with invis while her R is just there for insurance.

Anyways thanks for reading this far I would appreciate anything that would help me improve my guide or anything I have missed within this guide. Anyways again make sure to check out my twitch I would appreciate that a lot <3.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tokiyami
Tokiyami Aurora Guide
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[Patch 14.17] S14 CHALLENGER AURORA GUIDE (will update as I climb)

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