oh, you can do it by putting double brackets around every piece of the code like this [url=rustledjimmies.com]Rustled Jimmies[/url] so it doesn't show those brackets.
Or you can do [code] code. Every thing you but between [code] and [/code] will be shown as it is written.
Or you can do [code] code. Every thing you but between [code] and [/code] will be shown as it is written.
Text: Chaos Incarnate
Size: 500x150 or 500x200, whichever you prefer
Extra Details: Could you please make my name in the Sig Emleon, not Em1eon, its my nick for LoL and everything else. Thanks :D
P.S: I'll certainly play you in +Rep for your efforts
Text: Chaos Incarnate
Size: 500x150 or 500x200, whichever you prefer
Extra Details: Could you please make my name in the Sig Emleon, not Em1eon, its my nick for LoL and everything else. Thanks :D
P.S: I'll certainly play you in +Rep for your efforts
I don't know why but I couldn't work with that image. I think the picture itself is kinda fuzzy and not of good quality, and also the face is like tinier than the rest of his body so I couldn't work with it :/. Sorry.
I made this (it's still shaco so...):
Hope that's fine.
I don't know why but I couldn't work with that image. I think the picture itself is kinda fuzzy and not of good quality, and also the face is like tinier than the rest of his body so I couldn't work with it :/. Sorry.
I made this (it's still shaco so...):
Hope that's fine.
Well then I might need your help soon :3
I seriously did read your name as "fashion blellama" before I got glasses :D
Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
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You know what i mean?:p.
That's why I screenshotted it :l.
Thanks Janitsuu :3