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IPodPaint, Signature shop!

Creator: IPodPulse November 12, 2013 8:35pm

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Emi's Forum Avatar
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Aug 21st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2014 4:11pm | Report
IPodPulse wrote:

Already ahead of you :). lost the original file so I had to restart. I made 2 sigs with different fonts

Yeah, I really like the new placement of the quote~ And I agree, I like the top font better. But do you think you could move my name back to where it was before...? I feel like it's really crowded where it is now :/ I liked how it was under her arm in the very first one you made. (p.s. I'm really sorry if I'm being too picky... I just really want this sig to be perfect ^_^)
Made this sig myself :)
<Altruistic Artist>
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Sep 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2014 4:14pm | Report

Yeah, I really like the new placement of the quote~ And I agree, I like the top font better. But do you think you could move my name back to where it was before...? I feel like it's really crowded where it is now :/ I liked how it was under her arm in the very first one you made. (p.s. I'm really sorry if I'm being too picky... I just really want this sig to be perfect ^_^)

Not a problem, I am a bit of a perfectionist myself. If no one likes it I wont like it :P
If you found me helpful give me some +Rep :)
<Altruistic Artist>
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Sep 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2014 4:54pm | Report
Here ya go
If you found me helpful give me some +Rep :)
Signature Shop!|Tryndamere Guide|Rengar Guide

Tired of nightmares? Why not have a fantasy! Stop by Uproar's Design Workshop for some signatures you could only dream of.
Emi's Forum Avatar
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Aug 21st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2014 5:44pm | Report
IPodPulse wrote:

Here ya go

It looks amazing <3 Thank you so much~
Thanks to Ubnoxius for the sig!
NorthernRedStar's Forum Avatar
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Apr 7th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 27, 2014 12:50am | Report
IPodPulse wrote:

Here ya go

Where Trolls Fear To Tread
Signature by Xiaowiriamu

Lonthy's Forum Avatar
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Apr 19th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 27, 2014 6:06am | Report
Thank you, looks really good ^.^ +rep'd
Thanks to IPodPulse and me for the awesome sigs!

LMaverick's Forum Avatar
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Feb 12th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 30, 2014 6:20pm | Report
Hey IPod could you make me a signature?

image: glaive warrior pantheon skin

text: A Man-Drop From The Heavens: An In-Depth Pantheon Guide By Lmaverick

size: can you do one with 500x150 and 605x181 and I'll see if I want the bigger or smaller one, or you can just give me the 500x150 and ill resize it

any special requests: just make it look badass :D

Thx man and +rep in advance. GL on the rest of your sigs!

Thank you Natuhlee for the Awesome sig
Check out my Pantheon guide!
+1 rep me if you found me helpful or if you just want to ;D
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