Noir centers around a limited color pallatte (black and white mostly) all noir films or novels have a few common elements. Betrayal, femme fatales, dramatic twists. Sin city and the spirit are two recent movies (5 years or so) that are new age noir. They are the best references I have that most people should know about. If anyone else has questions ask me.
Noir isn't solely an emphasis on black and white. It's about contrast, drama, sex, cigarettes, hot women, and fast cars. Betrayals and crime. Turning a picture black and white IS NOT NOIR. Clarifying so we don't get a spam of pics with black and white filters over them. Shadow and lighting play a big role.
@Lugig: I'm afraid people might completely misread this weeks theme just by reading the thread title "Black and White" and because in my experience most people never read the OP, I would suggest remaking the thread and switching the title to something more appropriate like "Sex, Cigarettes, and Gals With Guns"
@Lugig: I'm afraid people might completely misread this weeks theme just by reading the thread title "Black and White" and because in my experience most people never read the OP, I would suggest remaking the thread and switching the title to something more appropriate like "Sex, Cigarettes, and Gals With Guns"
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1. In order to participate a signature must be published in this thread.
2. The time available for submissions is 4 days. From Sunday to Wednesday.
3. Each participant may enter the contest with a single work, and are allowed to change them until the voting starts.
4. The signature must have been made by you during the submission period and are to be posted in this thread.
5. The maximum size is 500x350 (for signatures horizontal) and 200x500 (for vertical signatures).
6. Respect the size and theme of the week, otherwise you will be disqualified.
7. Voting will start Thursday and will last until Saturday noon.
8. Voting is mandatory for the participants but they are not allowed to vote for their own work.
9. Each person is only given one vote and it cannot be changed.
10. All times and dates are in PST (-06).
11. The winner will choose the theme for the next SotW.
It was a quiet night and the breeze was whispering by. I saw my contact at the end of the pier. I walked over and they whispered the them for this week... "Noir," they said and dived into the pool in front of them.
Umm... yea. So, theme for this week is noir... IDK how how do it but, I'm sure most of you can pull it off. Happy dective-ing guys!
The_Nameless_Bard's entry
Plickz's entry
JakofAllSpaydes' entry
L1LShadow's entry
screwblum's entry