spooon wrote:
did you make the c4d's yourself or just dl them ?
I just download them, because to make a C4d bye myself is crazy.
I even not try how to make a c4d bye my own.
But if you want to know a Source where you can find anything else what you need, pm me.
spooon wrote:
Thanks but dont really like using c4d's, they look good
but it makes me feel like i cheated :D
but thanks anyway. :D
sig looks good its got nice flow and always a big fan of
gradiant map's :D
Yay thank you : D
Some more comments guys?
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It'd be good if you deleted the useless half off it, as at the moment the file is so large it takes AGES to load.
As soon as it's loaded, I'll give you some feedback.
Sry ^_^"
For the next tutoriel i will know it better and thx, i will be waiting.