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The Banana Awards [1] - The Most Creative Artist

Creator: Meiyjhe March 18, 2013 2:03am

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Who deserves the banana-award for most creative artist?
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 18, 2013 2:03am | Report
Greetings ladies and gentlemen! :D

Here we will discuss who the person is with the most variety of content!
Pick carefully which person you want to vote for, because you can only vote for one person.

The Signatures
* Wheew EUW
* Hogopogo
* Xiron
* FalseoGod 1 2 3
* TheNamelessBard

Make your pick :D

(Click for main thread here, to vote some more)
Change is gooooood
Picture by: Hogopogo
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A Chubby Baby
A Chubby Baby's Forum Avatar
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Feb 14th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 18, 2013 2:33am | Report
So I check the Signature forum and many banana awards.
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 18, 2013 2:36am | Report
yeah... :P
Change is gooooood
Picture by: Thalia Kael

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