A mod will lock/delete it, don't worry :)
edit: And I'd be willing to make you banners, check out my thread if you want to request :)
edit: And I'd be willing to make you banners, check out my thread if you want to request :)
by jhoijhoi
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I am about to attempt to make my first guide on Mobafire and need some help. My friends and I from r/TeemoTalk on Reddit want to make a "Teemo Bible" detailing every single core build players have been playing with as well as matchups for every champion in the game.
We all have the ability to write out the information and do out research for the content, however none of us have the artistic skill or knowledge of this site's code to make a visually helpful and appealing guide.
We need - Art: commissioned and photoshopped
- Formatting help: making a layout that can be easily updated throughout the patches
- Video Assistance: aid making videos against different champions by asking players who preferably one-trick their champion to share all their knowledge with us to give our viewers a proper perspective from both sides. ex. Teemo hates Irelias all in combo, Irelia hates when Teemo does this to mess up her combo
If you could help a fellow player out, I'm sure we could attempt to compensate you for your time but we have a limited amount of funds. I'll be thankful for any help given, good luck on the rift.