spooon wrote:
btw if you have the time would you make me a background picture :D
pref in 1920x1080.
Ill leave it all up to you as long as where is PINK in it :D
Well, since I had absolutely no idea what to do with this one since I've never done a wallpaper before, I just slapped Pinkie Pie down and thought of stuff I could do.
Apologies if these suck! Made 3 anyway.
Vavena wrote:
I WANT ONE, they so cute 0.0
Text - Vavena
Font (optional) -
Colour of Text (optional) - black
Pony - An epic pony (up to your imagination)
Item(s) on the Pony (optional) - a bow on its head
Air or Land? (if it's a Pegasus pony) - Pegasus pony on a cloud
Thats it :)
Hm, not too happy with the way this one turned out :/. She doesn't really look to be standing on it, but whatever. There aren't THAT many good "standing" clouds that Rainbow Dash isn't hogging all of in the series :/
Decided to use Luna since I've not done any with her in yet!
Xenasis wrote:
Hm, not too happy with the way this one turned out :/. She doesn't really look to be standing on it, but whatever. There aren't THAT many good "standing" clouds that Rainbow Dash isn't hogging all of in the series :/
Decided to use Luna since I've not done any with her in yet!
I have got to say this is perfect, I'm amazed at the cuteness :D Thanks!
Also can I use the wallpaper you made with the pink?
Vavena wrote:
Thank you :) Also I have a question. I've seen some ppl have a lot of diff sig every time I see them on the forums. HOw do they do that? Cuz I have 2 sigs I like and I want to use them both. I hope you understand what I'm saying lol
They are using the randomize feature.
You simply put:
[ri] *1st thing*
[ri] *2nd thing*
To be updated soon!
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