hey, just looked at your guide, no one really plays twitch these days so there will be less interest in twitch than other more popular champs to begin with.
also, have your build description be a description and differentiate yourself from other guides if you can. "Sharpshooter Twitch" doesn't tell me anything and doesn't make me chuckle so i'm less likely to click on it.
also, i reckon you get about 1 rating every 1,000-2,000 views, so you're gonna be waiting a while until you get rated if you're only on 95 now.
i made a guide for Sion around the same time as you and had 4,000 views today. a lot of that is because i put in a load of time, effort, thought and detail when i wrote it. it's about 9,000 words and i would like to think that very little of that is superfluous. if you want to get your guide to no.1 it genuinely will need to be better than all the others, so perhaps more detail is required...
just some ideas dude, good luck!
also, have your build description be a description and differentiate yourself from other guides if you can. "Sharpshooter Twitch" doesn't tell me anything and doesn't make me chuckle so i'm less likely to click on it.
also, i reckon you get about 1 rating every 1,000-2,000 views, so you're gonna be waiting a while until you get rated if you're only on 95 now.
i made a guide for Sion around the same time as you and had 4,000 views today. a lot of that is because i put in a load of time, effort, thought and detail when i wrote it. it's about 9,000 words and i would like to think that very little of that is superfluous. if you want to get your guide to no.1 it genuinely will need to be better than all the others, so perhaps more detail is required...
just some ideas dude, good luck!
It looks like a guide now so good luck out there but I see some flaws in your guide. You have mixed runes. Never do that unless you're playing Akali IMO. Another point is item build. Rushing a Black Cleaver with only berzerkers? Ehh. I suggest Boots of Mobility for easy roaming. Last point, masteries. 22/0/8 is a no go. Never get more than 21 PTS in one tree.
Good Luck,
Good Luck,
Well, Xaioli I think that having more than 21 in one tree can't necessarily hurt all that much. For a large portion, it is just preference and play-style. Granted there is common sense in saying that your extra points would generally work better elsewhere, that doesn't mean it 'most definitely shouldn't be done.'
Personal habitual activites? Utilizing gargantuan idioms to fabricate intelligence.
"It's a colloquial shorthand that means the paradigm exists because of how the game works mechanically. Hence, "the Meta." Stop being a useless pedant." - PlayGooYa
"It's a colloquial shorthand that means the paradigm exists because of how the game works mechanically. Hence, "the Meta." Stop being a useless pedant." - PlayGooYa
mixed runes can be a good idea if you really do know what you're doing.
by this i mean you are bearing in mind the marginal benefit of the competing individual runes and are finding an equilibrium point where total utility derived from a combination of different runes exceeds total utility derived from a full set on it's own.
to illustrate: with: 2 greater seal of alacrity, berserker greaves, tri force, black cleaver and his ult, sion exactly reaches the AS cap of 2.5.
any additional greater seals of alacrity give diminishing returns at this point. so get the rest in mana regen.
make sure you do the maths if you are going for this approach and put it in your build as proof
by this i mean you are bearing in mind the marginal benefit of the competing individual runes and are finding an equilibrium point where total utility derived from a combination of different runes exceeds total utility derived from a full set on it's own.
to illustrate: with: 2 greater seal of alacrity, berserker greaves, tri force, black cleaver and his ult, sion exactly reaches the AS cap of 2.5.
any additional greater seals of alacrity give diminishing returns at this point. so get the rest in mana regen.
make sure you do the maths if you are going for this approach and put it in your build as proof
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