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Feedback on Orianna Build

Creator: Viola Orpheus March 15, 2013 11:38am
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Viola Orpheus
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Jun 1st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2013 1:38pm | Report
I deeply apologize for my extremely late reply. I've been really busy IRL and couldn't find the time to get on MobaFire and answer.

I've never considered either RoA or Tear to be core on Ori. But this build is specifically made to make the most out of handling burst and having a more dangerous late game, at least IMO (And I forgot to mention this in the opening post). Of course, it still comes with the requirement of having a specific team comp or being against certain matchups, like AD bruisers, AP/AD assassins or farm lanes. I still have yet to try it on matchups not in those categories, but I assume she'll do fine against easy lanes.

My fellow Asians have actually beat me to the punch on this. During my absence when I had some time off and watched some streams, I've noticed that Toyz and other top Ori players have done this build or at least a small variation of it. I noticed that they were against AD bruisers and AP/AD assassins in lane, and they hardly took blue (IIRC only the 3rd or 4th ones and beyond). Their team fight presence was also better since Ori had health and damage. Whenever they tried to dive for Ori, her extra health and the shield from Seraph kept saving her or at least held them off until her teammates could kill them.

The build does set you back for not having much damage mid game, but she's still a utility mage, so she can make up for the fact that she has no damage for now with that aspect. By the time you get RoA and Seraph, you'd begin to really hurt in team fights while still providing utility.

But the build wouldn't be controversial if people just agreed, wouldn't it?
Many thanks to Xiao, jhoijhoi, TinyStar, Tsuki, and WOMBO for the sigs!
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