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Gangplank NEW USER GUIDE for Crit Nukes and...

Creator: Afterhigh April 23, 2011 4:22am

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Apr 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 23, 2011 4:22am | Report
-Gangplank Champion Spotlight
-Pros / Cons
-Summoner Spells
-Skill Sequence
-Team Work
-Creeping / Jungling


This is the way i play, if it does not suite you, please don't trollolol . NOTE: DENY IS BEING REMOVED ON APRIL 24, and that is the only reason why i do not have it in the second build. build 1 is a deny build. Build 2 is my style of play without deny, whether you like it or not, it's up to you EDIT: For some strange reason only Parrrley icon is working sorry for the trouble.

Hello and welcome to my Gangplank guide. This is my first guide so please let me know if i did anything wrong, and I would love to hear feedback.

Basically Gangplank is similar to pantheon in the fact that he harrasses with a ranged attack, Parrrley, but he is a melee champion as well. By the end of the game with this build, you will be critting yourself all over , and Parrrley
can usually take a big chunk out of your enemys health. Parrrley can usually take a big chunk out of your enemys health. can usually take a big chunk out of your enemys health.

Gangplank Champion Spotlight

*NOTE I DO NOT OWN THIS VIDEO NOR AM I LEAGECOMMENTARIES. I simply think he has the best gangplank champ. spotlight out there. Also there is no official Riot GP Champion Spotlight. Thank you LeagueCommentaries


Pros / Cons

-Crit almost every attack endgame
-Parrley hits for extreme damage
-Global Ult
-Deny works very effectively
- Attack speed is very fast endgame
- Great endgame

-Item dependent
-Low mana pool
-Crits are not sometimes unreliable
-squishy mid game
-Ult is sometimes unreliable


-You're going to want to stack in Marks of Furor for armor penetration. It is crucial with parrrley and auto attacks.
-Then move on to Glyphs of Focus to reduce your cooldowns. you're gonna want this because parrrley's cooldown endgame will be about 1.25 seconds with the full build.
-You're gonna want Seals of Clarity that way your mana will be a little more reliable.
-Finally. you're getting Quintessences of Furor for the same reason as the Marks of Furor.
Runes give a huge advantage over people, even at low levels.


You're going to want to spec into offense as your main priority, then you will go through Utility and finish it off. I recommend getting ghost as one of your first, if you are a lower level. MASTERIES are a HUGE advantage.

Summoner Spells

-Ignite is perfect because you can easily get a kill using it as your finisher. i prefer to use it over any other spell and it's a must.

-Ghost just feels right because you're already kind of stacking in movement speed, and it just gives you an easy mistake mechanism. I prefer ghost over flash any day

-Some people prefer flash to ghost and that's fine. but Try to only pick between these three please! Gangplank already has a nice heal from Remove Scurvy, and you can only semi-jungle mid to late game if you want to farm gold, so Smite is not recommended.

-YOU CAN get Exaust and it would work very well, but with GP's burst Ignite is more recommended.


-First imo, i always get a pair of boots first. they help speed you up and they also come in handy in tight situations when you need to escape.

-Second, you're gonna wanna get a health potion and a mana potion, or just two health potions if you prefer it that way. I prefer to get a mana potion and a health potion only because early in the game you kind of go oom fast due to your parrley harassing skillz.

-Third you're getting two avarice blades. these are crucial because they start the long road of the Crit nuke. ALSO they help build GOLD FOR YOU WHICH YOU NEED FOR FARMING!!!

-Fourth, you should be getting infinity edge. Recently due to the patch it's even cheaper than it was before so you should definately get it. Does great attack damage, and a nice crit bonus as well.

-Fifth, get Frozen Mallet. I prefer to get frozen mallet over trinity force, only because it has a very nice health boost, and the damage is nice as well.
get Phantom Dancer. this boosts your movement speed, and makes your crit higher as

-Sixth, get Phantom Dancer. this boosts your movement speed, and makes your crit higher as
*NOTE: You can switch the two if you would like but GP is Squishy so I think it's easier to play buying the mallet first.

-Seventh, you're getting Yuomuu's Ghostblade. by this time you should have already farmed enough gold with the help of the avarice blades, and the ghostblade is perfect to help with your movement speed, armor penetration, critical strike, attack damage, and it's got a nice activate as well.

-Finally, you will wrap it up with getting Last Whisper, because it's got a nice armor pen and attack damage.

Skill Sequence

-*If you are denying then you will want to raise Raise Morale once first stand then shoot your little creeper at YOUR OWN nexus then once you deny and raise Parrrley! first then continue to level Remove Scurvy then after removed scurvy at level 6 level Cannon Barrage as soon as possible! You will level Raise Morale late game so do NOT worry about it. you only need one level for it.ll

-THIRD LEVEL UP CANNON BARRAGE. This skill is crucial and you can attack enemies from accross the map and can also help severly in team fights. Then like build 1 you will level up Raise Moral last AFTER you raise it once the first time.
first then continue to level Remove Scurvy then after removed scurvy at level 6 level Cannon Barrage as soon as peossible! You will level Remove Scurvy late game so do NOT worry about it. you only need one level for it.ll

IF YOU ARE NOT using Deny (Build 2) then you will raise Parrrley first to harras your enemy. I usually buy a mana potion or two health potions. Either or works good.
-SECONDLY you will level Raise Moral in order to get the nice boost. you are gonna want to shoot your minions as soon as you are around other enemies and keep it running. THIRD LEVEL UP CANNON BARRAGE. This skill is crucial and you can attack enemies from accross the map and can also help severly in team fights. Then like build 1 you will level up Raise Moral last AFTER you raise it once the first time.
first then continue to level Remove Scurvy then after removed scurvy at level 6 level Cannon Barrage as soon as possible! You will level Remove Scurvy late game so do NOT worry about it. you only need one level for it.ll


-Early game you're gonna wanna get Parrley so you can harrass your enemies( UNLESS YOU ARE DENYING). You're gonna wanna get either bottom lane or top lane (at least i just prefer to be on bottom lol). you COULD go mid, but I'd rather leave mid to a good range champ.

-Mid game you should be well fed enough so that you at least have infinity edge and maybe even phantom dancer. you are critting a LOT. so keep farming gold from minions, and maybe even you can start to semi jungle. you should also have Gang's ultimate ability and you can use it anywhere on the map. i prefer to put it in the path of running enemy, especially in team fights, in order to get a last second kill, when they would normally get away.

-Late game you are critting basically every Hit. you are unstoppable. Keep harrassing using Parrley, but you now have great heals with scurvy, and a frozen mallet to keep you a little less suishy, and Phantom Dancer to help with everything you need.


-NOTE FARMING IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!! You need it to definately be successful. start buy getting Raise Morale, and then also getting Parrrley like i said earlier in the guide. also !! Remove Scurvy is CRUCIAL for farming. It not only heals you, but it removes scurvy as well!!!!!! ARRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Team Work

-Teamwork is GP's awesome thing. Raise Morale is legit in team fights, even at one, and you will get assists just from that. Also, Cannon Barrage is great for helping out teammates in a tight spot or for chasing someone down for a kill!

Creeping / Jungling

-GANGPLANK IS NOT A CREEPER NOR A JUNGLER!!!! you can only take advantage of the jungle mid-late game by the time you are well fed to feed even more!!! mwuahahaha XD


-I Hope you enjoyed my gangplank guide and remember! Thanks for checking out my guide and of course I am always ready to hear feedback and discuss GP.And remember - it's okay to crit yourselves every now and then .

Stay Classy League of Legends

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DEWO? Jebus? Scrax? I think we need you guys here.
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Nov 20th, 2010
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For once I'm actually inb4 the lock.

You, you, and you: Panic. The rest of you, come with me.

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Yeah.... No. Read forum rules.


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