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Lich Bane Annie - Let's Discuss

Creator: A Red Feather July 23, 2011 5:41pm
A Red Feather
A Red Feather's Forum Avatar
Jun 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 23, 2011 5:41pm | Report
Hello all!

Annie is one of my mains, and I find this little girl to be incredibly fun and rewarding to play.

That being said, I always build her the same way, much like the majority of the Annie builds on MOBAFIRE - Doran's Ring, Boots, Rod of Ages...finish Boots, Rabadon's, Banshee's Veil, etc...


Annie has the second longest-ranged Auto Attack in the game, next to Caitlyn. Why not build Lich Bane on Annie, if this is the case? It plays perfectly to her strengths - sit back in team fights, stun, deal massive burst damage, and stay alive.

Lich Bane blends with all of these. Annie can always use more movement speed. 80 AP is delicious. She craves MagRes. And her Auto Attacks become deadly.

So what do you think?
da_neo's Forum Avatar
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Jul 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 23, 2011 5:51pm | Report
Well well well, for that I'd like to quote my in depth annie quide.

Your basic AD is 92. Lich Bane does PHYSICAL damage.
Means: It won't benefit from MrPen.
I don't have a good programm that can do 3D graphs.
We assume that the enemy has 100Armor, that means, that the damage from Lich Bane is halfed.
Here´s another juicy graph I did:

Blue: Full Rotation of R->Q->W with 500 AP, and 34 +49% MrPen.
Red: Full Rotation of R->Q->W->Autoattack with 500 AP, Lich Bane and 34 +49% MrPen.

You can see that you´ll deal 296 more damage with one rotation to any champ who has 100Armor and below 34 Mr. But even to a fully Magic Tank who has 300 Magic Resis you´ll still deal 296 damage more. And if you manage to proc Lich Bane twice like R->Autoattack->Q->W->E->Autoattack you´ll deal twice that damage. BUT you only have an attack speed of 0.7. Which means you need over 1.3 secs to deal that Lich Bane damage. In many fights you don´t have the time to autoattack, so thats why I dont have it in my core.

The biggest "meh-factor" I think is that Lich Bane/Sheen/Trinity Force all deal PHYSICAL DAMAGE
The second biggest "meh-factor" is that your auto attacks simply are too slow. 0.7 for one attack.
If I could help you +rep me ;)

J'amuse mon monde mais le monde va mal
A Red Feather
A Red Feather's Forum Avatar
Jun 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 23, 2011 6:39pm | Report
That perfectly answered my question, thanks da_neo and a +rep for that sexy *** graph/guide.
da_neo's Forum Avatar
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Jul 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 23, 2011 6:42pm | Report
No problem, I'm glad that I could help.
If I could help you +rep me ;)

J'amuse mon monde mais le monde va mal
Dotter's Forum Avatar
Nov 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 23, 2011 6:42pm | Report
The only time when Lich Bane is worth it imo is when you ****ing need to push like a woman giving birth to a baby..

Other than that, I agree that is isn't that good. ^^

perhaps if you are fed and the enemies don't build armor at all to cope with your magic damage. But then again Annie's attacks are so slow..
da_neo's Forum Avatar
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Jul 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 23, 2011 6:44pm | Report
Maybe if they would rework it to deal Magic Damage instead of Physical. But I think other Champs like AP sion would be too OP with that one ;)
If I could help you +rep me ;)

J'amuse mon monde mais le monde va mal
Dotter's Forum Avatar
Nov 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 24, 2011 12:52am | Report
True :D
<Ancient Member>
Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 24, 2011 2:54am | Report
I think the choice for last (AP) items for Annie stands between Rylai, Lich Bane and Hourglass. Lich Bane is mostly for the movement speed imo. The damage is just a bonus.
"Doing something, almost being done, then parents come in and don't let you finish.
Yes, I had a rough childhood." - devdevil
Adovid's Forum Avatar
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May 9th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 27, 2011 8:59am | Report
Hehe, part of the reason why I used to get Zeal when I ran Annie after I got a Deathcap, a little eccentric I admit.

You can push like crazy, over extend with less consequence etc.

I would eventually sell the Zeal for a Lich bane when I could afford one. People were like "why do you have a Zeal? O.o" Because I can clear a wave with 1 incinerate and move on and back then Annie did more base damage and was scarier early game.

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