Poppy would be a great tank, in my opinion. I recently mentioned something about Poppy tanking.
Diplomatic Immunity is obviously great for tanking, but limited usage. Paragon of Demacia gives her increased armor. Valiant Fighter is my favourite though. Nukers basically have very little affect on her.
All these things combined (along with a few defensive items) would make her an excellent tank as long as she didn't stack health (that would make her passive useless).
I think that Hextech Gunblade alongside whatever situational defensive items necessary would make her quite deadly, as if she isn't deadly enough as it is.
Diplomatic Immunity is obviously great for tanking, but limited usage. Paragon of Demacia gives her increased armor. Valiant Fighter is my favourite though. Nukers basically have very little affect on her.
All these things combined (along with a few defensive items) would make her an excellent tank as long as she didn't stack health (that would make her passive useless).
I think that Hextech Gunblade alongside whatever situational defensive items necessary would make her quite deadly, as if she isn't deadly enough as it is.
Personal habitual activites? Utilizing gargantuan idioms to fabricate intelligence.
"It's a colloquial shorthand that means the paradigm exists because of how the game works mechanically. Hence, "the Meta." Stop being a useless pedant." - PlayGooYa
"It's a colloquial shorthand that means the paradigm exists because of how the game works mechanically. Hence, "the Meta." Stop being a useless pedant." - PlayGooYa
Hum interesting thought that of the gunblade, item which I love (Squall Leonhart fan here xD). It would also give Poppy some ranged skill which she lacks.
Talking about the health matter, which is the health range which you will recommend me to aim?
Something between 2500-3000?
PD: Could you tell me where you mentioned the things about Poppy tanking? I would like to read it to learn more :D.
Thx for your ideas!
Talking about the health matter, which is the health range which you will recommend me to aim?
Something between 2500-3000?
PD: Could you tell me where you mentioned the things about Poppy tanking? I would like to read it to learn more :D.
Thx for your ideas!
Poppy is always tanky enaugh to fill a role of an offtank.
You dont need to have anything specific... Her passive + Ulti does the job quite good.
Just give her some HP after TF/LB and she is already tanky enaugh.
You dont need to have anything specific... Her passive + Ulti does the job quite good.
Just give her some HP after TF/LB and she is already tanky enaugh.
DEWO do you mean with a 21/x/x or a x/21/x masteries build for filling the role of offtank?
And if you So your advice will be rush TF/LB and then get some "offensive-defensive" items(I refer to them like that :P) such as: Abyssal, Zhonyas (this two dont have HP I know),Sunfire,Rylai or even Frozen Mallet(not sure about this one, seems expensive for what it gives) or keep on with a standard offensive build?
Thx for your contribution!
And if you So your advice will be rush TF/LB and then get some "offensive-defensive" items(I refer to them like that :P) such as: Abyssal, Zhonyas (this two dont have HP I know),Sunfire,Rylai or even Frozen Mallet(not sure about this one, seems expensive for what it gives) or keep on with a standard offensive build?
Thx for your contribution!
i rather go with 9/21/0 build since you dont need offensive masteries to dish out the damage... devastating blow is standalone superior killer no matter what. Even if you go 0/0/0 :P
Sheen and your core build is already done.
Also i used to play her on HighAP/Spellvamp poppy... was extremaly fun to see your hp poping up and down on fights XD 1200-1400 hits every 3 sec with 50% SpellVamp :P
As for going for items... that is too dependant on enemy team. Abysal/hourglass is a good idea tho.
My usual poppy looks like:
Sorc boots/TF/vamp scepter/GA/IE/Bloodrazor
My ap poppy
Sorc boots/LB/Rabadon/GA/XXX/XXX
My fun ap poppy with SV
Sorc boots/LB/Gunblade/WotA/Rabadon/XXX
All on 9/21/0 builds with Ghost/Flash
Sheen and your core build is already done.
Also i used to play her on HighAP/Spellvamp poppy... was extremaly fun to see your hp poping up and down on fights XD 1200-1400 hits every 3 sec with 50% SpellVamp :P
As for going for items... that is too dependant on enemy team. Abysal/hourglass is a good idea tho.
My usual poppy looks like:
Sorc boots/TF/vamp scepter/GA/IE/Bloodrazor
My ap poppy
Sorc boots/LB/Rabadon/GA/XXX/XXX
My fun ap poppy with SV
Sorc boots/LB/Gunblade/WotA/Rabadon/XXX
All on 9/21/0 builds with Ghost/Flash
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First of all I know, there are better tanks/offtanks (I main Shen but I usually play with other tanks/offtanks/bulky dps such as Amumu, Nasus, Warwick, Cho, etc. I also play (not very often) Tankenen tank of the tankest (nice guide BTW :P)) than her and Poppy's primary job is being an anticarry but what can I say I love this girl and I would like to play her with the role I think I'm best at and the one who enjoy the most, Tanky role.
While I don't get bored for being "always" the tank/ot I like to play different chars to avoid getting bored of the same char every time and also I try to get the best char according to my own team composition.
I usually play with my friends (normal games not ranked cause not all of them are 30 yet) and I like to let them the killer role while I rush myself into battle (with common sense) creating an opening for them and also keeping and eye on my team carries, focus must be on me not on them and kills are theirs not mine.
With all of this being told I would like some advice/ideas about how build her, masteries, summoners spells and runes are the things in which I have no doubt about (but if someone wants to share them anyway I would be grateful for it too ;) ) when it comes to items its when things gets "ugly".
I know that tanks must get their items taking in consideration the enemy team's composition and I believe that it's essential for this idea to work to have a little damage output (Hello Sheen!) while being tanky in order to not being ignored (yes, I know that Poppy's ult can be a great discouraging element for being focused) cause "that little blue midget can't make a scratch in me".
I have thought in two possible builds one similar to the Nassus build I usually play (Tank items plus Sheen in which some games I upgraded into Trinity Force for some damage output) and another aiming to be an AP Offtank (this is the one in which I have more doubts about the items: RoA, Zhonya, Abyssal,Rylai.. while having also a bunch of pure tank items to avoid being weak my defenses).
I would try my own thoughts on gameplay but I would like to hear any ideas/suggestions/advices/builds about this post subject, tank /offtank Poppy cause I dont think to know it all and I would like to hear the ideas of more experienced people in this game than me (dont worry the non-so-experienced ones I would hear you too if there's something you want to share about this :P).
Thanks in advance and forgive me if I made any mistakes, english is not my primary language ^^.
Hope you can give me some thoughts ;D!