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Horrible laner, but decent teamfighter?

Creator: Kirluu August 2, 2013 3:42pm
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Embracing's Forum Avatar
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 3, 2013 8:46am | Report
You can look for any high elo adc and just observe how they play in lane. ADC is really easy to improve on in lane cuz the mistakes and things to improve on are relatively easy to spot out.

Just go to and look for any diamond adc on stream
<Retired Admin>
Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 3, 2013 9:18am | Report
^ Personally, I'd recommend RobertxLee

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
Kirluu's Forum Avatar
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 3, 2013 10:24am | Report
I don't have much problems last-hitting when I'm just sitting around alone in my lane. Not a problem at all in fact. It's every other aspect of the laning phase which gets me. Whether the enemy pushes against me, or I against them, they always turn out to be on top in farm (Unless of course, as previously mentioned, if my support and I are deliberately winning the lane).
I often will get zoned out, and the enemy ADC is standing between the minions and myself, with the ADC's support sitting in the brush waiting for me, which forces me to lose CS, and if I go for one, which is sort of safe, I either take harass, or the support takes a chance to engage on me.

So I either accept being behind in CS and survive the lane, or I try to get the CS and get killed or harrassed making it even harder to keep up.
^Because of this, I typically just accept losing a few creeps, but that also means that the enemy is about 30-40 ahead at the end of laning phase, which isn't really a nice feeling to always be forced to run around with. ;s

Thanks for the direct recommendation, Wayne.
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FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 3, 2013 7:11pm | Report
Don't start with Dagger, fight back if you think you can, don't be scared of the enemy support, move around so you can dodge harass better
Thank you Tsuki for the sig!

Kirluu's Forum Avatar
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 4, 2013 4:23am | Report
The Dagger was a mispurchased. A misclick, really. :c

The following explaination/argument/whateveritis is based off of the inhouse match where I played Graves with Janna support against Vayne and Lulu:

How am I supposed to not be scared of a trading with Vayne when Lulu is there to also participate in the trade with her Q and possibly E as well? Vayne is constantly sitting on top of the melee minions, lasthitting, but constantly daring to wanting to start a trade with me, while Lulu sits in the brush waiting to back up Vayne in such a trade? I have Janna shield and a tornado perhaps, but that's it.
If I try to trade with Vayne, I can get off a single Q and perhaps tops 3 autoattacks, while she gets silver bolts as well as Q proc damage, while Lulu additionally has the chance to engage on me easily during such a trade, abusing polymorph, since I'd be at least semi-stationary while trying to pull off a succesful trade.
Felt like an impossible task to win that lane straight-up.

Is there anything I could actually have done differently? Should I have requested something particular from my support? I felt like if I was being aggresive, I was just losing trades, and that's all. :c
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DisturbedFox's Forum Avatar
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Jun 4th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 4, 2013 6:47am | Report
well you could coordinate picks with your support to prevent coming up with graves and janna
Kirluu's Forum Avatar
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 4, 2013 9:35am | Report
That is a good point, of course. ._.
Another point is that I have no idea what goes best with what. xD
I guess a common support for a Graves pick would be Leona? As far as I know?
That requires some offensive play though, and until after laning phase, in my current state of mind anyhow, I'm quite the passive ADC. :S
Graves is yet my best pick though. He seems to be the one I feel more confident with, both in lane and out of lane.

Any specific picks for strong supports to go with a semi-passive Graves? (When playing with Leona, I can look like I want to engage, but only because Leona looks like she wants to, and I just kinda follow along, even if I don't agree with engaging at the certain time ;s)
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rudyards's Forum Avatar
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Sep 13th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 4, 2013 12:19pm | Report
Zyra is good with a passive Graves, providing defensive potential as well as complementing Graves' strengths. Soraka is kinda the go-to one, as she gives Graves the mana he needs to spam Buckshot to avoid getting his face pushed in.
Wheew EUW
Wheew EUW's Forum Avatar
Jan 24th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 5, 2013 11:00am | Report
Embracing wrote:

I used to be like that, too, mainly because I didn't really focus on learning a specific role

Try watching streams / practicing reflexes, etc.

ADC is probably the easiest role to do well with in teamfights even if you make mistakes (other than getting caught)

Cait/Ez are super easy in teamfights.
Vayne not rlly :3
Check out my singed guide :)
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DisturbedFox's Forum Avatar
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Jun 4th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 10, 2013 1:05pm | Report
Kirluu wrote:

That is a good point, of course. ._.
Another point is that I have no idea what goes best with what. xD
I guess a common support for a Graves pick would be Leona? As far as I know?
That requires some offensive play though, and until after laning phase, in my current state of mind anyhow, I'm quite the passive ADC. :S
Graves is yet my best pick though. He seems to be the one I feel more confident with, both in lane and out of lane.

Any specific picks for strong supports to go with a semi-passive Graves? (When playing with Leona, I can look like I want to engage, but only because Leona looks like she wants to, and I just kinda follow along, even if I don't agree with engaging at the certain time ;s)

then learn to play aggressively. "passive graves" is nonsense and makes you sound like an idiot.
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