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Looking for a Mid player for 5v5 ranked, must...

Creator: zzTWKRzz March 10, 2012 11:26am
zzTWKRzz's Forum Avatar
Nov 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 10, 2012 11:26am | Report
I am currently the leader of a 5v5 ranked team based out of the states and we run ranked 5s every night. We are having issues with our mid player being committed and need someone to fill. If you are interested in playing daily just post your account name and we will try you out.
<Retired Moderator>
Scrax's Forum Avatar
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Jul 29th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 10, 2012 11:29am | Report
Moved to Intro & Matchmaking.
teeleer's Forum Avatar
Jun 23rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 12, 2012 1:45am | Report
not sure if im what ur looking for but i can possible play mid, im not that great and i usually play solo top but if you're really in need of a solo mid then maybe i can help, i can play pretty much everyday except on tuesdays and thursdays and only after school (3:30 PST), if you need any more information ill be happy to replay.
Black Hatter
Black Hatter's Forum Avatar
Mar 14th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 14, 2012 6:46pm | Report
I'd gladly try out with you. I'm new to League but I used to arena in WoW around 2400, so my learning curve is pretty high. Anxious to hear from you,
Black Hatter

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