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Hit 1200, so I'm just going to chronicle my...

Creator: WOMBO January 3, 2013 3:43pm
WOMBO's Forum Avatar
Jul 17th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 3, 2013 3:43pm | Report
nah jks i barely beat my 900 elo friends < Detailed games/maybe try to be a little funnier here
Last season I hit a high of 1557 then I kind of just stopped caring and hovered around low 1500s. This season I went up to about 1478 before dropping straight down to 1292 minimum yesterday. A lot of it was just tilting, bad teams, or me being a ****** (e.g. picking rengar. i don't even play him in normals)
Mostly main Ahri in midlane and play various champs in other roles. Not even sure which champs I'm good at anymore.

Yesterday I hit 1290ish rock bottom, so I decided it would probably be a little better to actually look at what I'm doing wrong and stop being a tool in champ select.
Anyways, yesterday right before bed I won a game with Jayce vs Garen top lane. Honestly this low and no one can cs for their life. Including me apparently, but I don't play enough Jayce to be used to his kind of odd Cannon animation. 1305

Today, played Ahri midlane against Cassiopeia and Malphite top vs Cloth start Rengar (l0l). Pretty easy games. Of course they blamed Cass and Rengar for losing the game, even though Warwick rushed bloodthirsters and zerks and didn't gank all that much past 10 minutes.
Rengar just afk pushed the whole game. Kind of weird making his team fight 4v5s. Vayne didn't even bother positioning, I ultied her about 10 times easily within range. 1328

No I don't duo queue it makes me feel bad when I feed =(
DemonSovereign's Forum Avatar
Sep 14th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 3, 2013 7:38pm | Report
What's that bag of gold in your Cho and Malph? :O
I never seen it before!
Also what's that weird green goo potion?
My first self made sig ^_^
Care to check out my Mordekaiser guide? I'd appreciate it :D
Dark Metallica-Rocking With Mordekaiser
WOMBO's Forum Avatar
Jul 17th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 4, 2013 3:42pm | Report
I only know the green goo potion is supposed to be flask. LoL idk. I'm pretty sure I'm on the latest version and even so it grabs the icons from the game so I'm not sure...
yeah as for that bag of money, who knows

right so three games. lost two won one. kind of feeling sad lolJust fed real hard. I beat the Lux in lane and followed her botlane but they had stronger counterganks up until I had DFG. By the time I had DFG bad things happened anyways and she was pretty strong.
also i suck at dodging

1000 ping for the longest time, missed a ton of easy cs and took a lot of harass from Yorick. real bad though got a kill on him. olaf picked up some kills (lots of them) on me and bot early but I picked it up and it stopped lagging. screwed up a fight pretty bad, vayne jumped on trist with ga for some reason, we lost. G_G_G_G_G

last game dced so i don't have a picture. taric/draven vs sona/ashe. I was the DRAAAAVEN and **** this game this taric was so passive and their Sona afk pushed so much. Not even remotely fun. It's like playing with a Soraka against a Heimerdinger lane. Nothing to do but tower cs.
told him to get aggressive though QE auto auto ignite and I got a few kills here and there; ended 15 1 5.
pretty satisfied with my draven stats (6/0: 12.3,2.5,7.3 average k,d,a)
i'd teach people how to play him but honestly all i'm doing is q autos and missing them. no IDEA how I'm even winning games with him especially given my normals history with him
<Altruistic Artist>
wRAthoFVuLK's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 4, 2013 5:47pm | Report
bag o' money is upgraded boots ^^
Bloofyre wrote:
May a squadron of beautiful vaginas find their way to your crotch by day's end.

Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
WOMBO's Forum Avatar
Jul 17th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 5, 2013 4:10pm | Report
4 games
Ahri - lost, I just played bad and my team played bad and I fed and wat
Olaf - winning early/mid game lost hard lategame. vayne hypercarry op and our ez got caught three times =/
Malphite - not entirely sure what was going on but apparently eve singlehandedly killed mid and bot about 15 times. pretty bad game as well
Ahri - 1200s real bad. passive kat, aggressive poppy, panth/kennen bot lane lost to zyra/cait somehow. won pretty easily
WOMBO's Forum Avatar
Jul 17th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 16, 2013 5:29pm | Report

Last game I got 6 elo lol

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