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the game started ****, lee got fb on kata while invading with lb zyra, panth just fed irelia on top, we had a nice come back (from 2vs7 to 9vs9) and was doing well for a while, but my team liked wrong engages, fighting without me and wrong focus, which let me be the only one to focus vayne or lb(except for tristana). Also kata picked after lb, so i already knew it was a bad game, why the **** pick such a champion vs such hard counter, and the enemy had already pick other counters to her ulti.
"Your life is a burden. I bring you freedom!"
moved again down to gold V
my team just couldnt manage to evade to getting caught or stupid teamfights. I admit i did **** on top, but i catched up in some way, but my team still decides to teamfight such an enemy composition.
my team just couldnt manage to evade to getting caught or stupid teamfights. I admit i did **** on top, but i catched up in some way, but my team still decides to teamfight such an enemy composition.
I did stop to upload images on imgur and add them to the album since its boring and annoying do it every game and i find that great software named puush.
miss fortune flamed and wanted to report me since i said i wanted to pick kha in champ select, i ended up with this score and scoring a triple before we get nexus, then diana said "Kha is useless?" and mf replied "He is , we are just winning". Kappa.
miss fortune flamed and wanted to report me since i said i wanted to pick kha in champ select, i ended up with this score and scoring a triple before we get nexus, then diana said "Kha is useless?" and mf replied "He is , we are just winning". Kappa.
the return of an old love, with style
Didn't get any kill in lane, but i got cs advantage and zoned shyvana pretty hard, also forced her to back many times. Our lee did very well and got fed, we kinda owned every teamfight.
Didn't get any kill in lane, but i got cs advantage and zoned shyvana pretty hard, also forced her to back many times. Our lee did very well and got fed, we kinda owned every teamfight.