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Khazem's Season 3 stuff

Creator: Khazem November 15, 2012 3:04pm

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<King of the Hill>
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Jul 31st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 28, 2013 3:57pm | Report
Quick update, trying to push for 1900 right now. Here's a couple of games I've done today.

Game 1: Laning Elise against Nidalee. Was going pretty well at the start, was able to harass her out of lane and it was looking pretty good. After we both backed, Rammus came for a gank and I escaped pretty much unharmed by E'ing onto Rammus back to my tower. At this point, Rammus had already done quite a lot of work so he was pretty tanky. The wave pushed to my tower and they just straight up dove me even though I was full health while my E was down. Rammus barely survived and Nidalee took the kill.
Because I had 2 and a half creepwaves at my tower when it happened I never really recovered and wasn't able to deal with the constant split push from Nidalee.

The deal sealer was a Baron fight somewhere around the 30 minute mark. The enemy Teemo had a whole minefield of mushrooms around the area which pretty much got us all to half health as we engaged. We got wiped out and the game pretty much ended there.

Game 2: This game I first picked Katarina like a true man, ended up having to lane against Wukong which turned out to be a really easy lane. I completely destroyed him getting 3 kills on him in the early laning phase and forcing their jungler's full attention.
I took my tower pretty early and started roaming, securing more kills and objectives for other lanes. The game snowballed because of our double assassin teamcomp and they surrendered at around 25 minutes.

Game 3: Our first pick wanted to go top so I decided to go mid. Picked Zyra for no good reason, felt like it was a decently safe pick and it's a champion I'm somewhat comfortable at. In the laning phase I just focused on surviving the enemy Cassiopeia's aggression. I got a kill on her pretty early on because of a very good Shen gank.
The game was decided in a dragon fight 15~ minutes into the game where the enemy team engaged on us while we were on Dragon. Shen got 3 people in a taunt and I followed up with all my AoE, completely wiping their team out and securing dragon and 2 towers.
Our top lane (Singed) got really farmed meanwhile and with that we were able to run over them.
We sneaked a Baron around minute 30 and won another teamfight. We took 3 inhibitors off of that and the enemy team surrendered.

Current Elo: 1891, one game away from hitting 1900.
<Retired Admin>
Mowen's Forum Avatar
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Nov 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 28, 2013 4:39pm | Report
Good luck next game! >:)
<Retired Admin>
Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 28, 2013 4:46pm | Report
So evil :o

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 28, 2013 5:06pm | Report
No, Rammus is evil.

Sig made by Hogopogo
Crows foot
Crows foot's Forum Avatar
Jun 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 30, 2013 11:12am | Report
when 1900? we are waitingz!
If you for some reason want to follow my ranked journey to gold, you can do it Here.

I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
<King of the Hill>
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Jul 31st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 4, 2013 10:22pm | Report
So I forgot to update this when I played these games because I was busy with other stuff while the EUW servers were too busy being broken, but anyway. After the new ranking system was released I was placed in the Platinum 4 league, which was a league higher than I thought I would be so pretty happy about that.

Played some games on the first day. It took me exactly 10 games (6 wins, 4 losses) to get this:

So next up was a best of 3 series to get promoted to platinum 3.

Game 1

Not too much to say about this game. Was pretty happy about my play overall. I won the lane quite comfortably, outfarming Nidalee in the early laning phase and securing some early objectives/skirmishes with my ultimate.
In the end, none of it really mattered because this game was all about Akali. She got super fed and noone was able to stop her. I could have probably played better and timed my ultimates better and maybe prevented Akali from getting as fed as she did, but besides that I feel I did pretty good in this game. Oh well, 0-1.

Game 2

Was 4th pick and had the choice between jungle and support. Because I suck massive ***** at jungling I just picked Leona to support an AD carry I knew was a pretty good player.

Enemy teamcomp was pretty weird with what looked like a miscommunication between Corki (Guardsman Bob's smurf - which would explain why the muscommunication happened) and Caitlyn. Caitlyn ended up going bottom while Corki went mid.
Our bottom lane started out pretty bad as we got pretty unlucky and gave up 3 silly kills to Caitlyn.
Despite this, Varus was staying ahead on farm and we still looked much stronger in the lane. Thankfully, the Caitlyn was a pretty bad player and we caught up fast, giving Varus a ton of kills.
He really got going at our first Dragon fight. In a 4v4 teamfight 2 of us died tanking dragon and enemy fire but Varus managed to clean up and get a quadra kill.
At this point Varus was pretty unstoppable and with a few good initiations we won the teamfights pretty easily.


Game 3

No screenshot of the endgame screen because I rageclosed the client after a very dissapointing game on my part.

As I got in champion select, I could already tell this was going to be a tough game having a guy who lost me a game just 2 games ago (and who was on a massive losing spree with huge deaths every game) and the bad AD carry we stomped in the previous game and our best player being forced to support.
Anyway, I don't usually let stuff like that bring me off my game so I just ignored it and focused on my pick and my lane.

Picked Elise to decide my promotion series because she's probably still my best champion. Had to lane against Irelia. (who was running exhaust)

The top lane ended up being really easy. The Irelia had no clue what to do in this matchup and was taking my harass for free all the time. I was zoning him so hard the enemy team was yelling to report him in all chat for having 60 cs at 15 minutes. (while I was at 120)

However, our bottom lane was getting absolutely crushed by both the enemy Miss Fortune and Kassadin. Because they were losing so badly, I decided to leave my lane and start roaming bottom as much as possible. My timing was always off though. Every time I came bottom it was either too late or they would have backed off right as I arrived. Because of this, Irelia managed to catch up, I fell behind and the enemy bottom lane built up a bigger lead.

I made a lot of silly mistakes in this game and really just threw it because of nerves and not thinking straight. I was so far ahead of my lane I could have carried this game if I played it well.

The game ended with a 16 kills Miss Fortune completely facerolling our entire team with little resistance and thus my promotion series ended. 1-2

Was pretty disappointed because I could have definitely gotten the promotion if I played better.

Anyway, after the defeat I was put back at 72 LP (which was suprisingly high) so all in all it wasn't a big deal. I'll just have to win another 2 games to get another shot at it.
<Retired Admin>
Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 4, 2013 10:50pm | Report
Wait wtf, I played against that metalldyr guy (the Ezreal in your Shen game) in a tournament once, lol. Anyway, good luck with trying to qualify again ^.^

Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
<King of the Hill>
Khazem's Forum Avatar
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Jul 31st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 6, 2013 11:30am | Report

reset my life

back to 0 LP >:l
Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 6, 2013 11:32am | Report
work on those deaths man, you look like a Silver scrub, like me! :P

As requested to GMD himself.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 6, 2013 8:28pm | Report
Pretty sure I've seen Gman go Corki mid on his stream once too, I think it's just something he does, not a miscommunication.

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