-thanks to The_Nameless_Bard, effinvices, Joxuu, LaCorpse and arcan3 for the sigs-
ELO CHANGE: 1344 -> 1357
The game was pretty much determined in the first minutes, both riven and xin were coming to gank mid lane and they meet each other, I react faster than fizz and manage to use my W on riven and E xin thus giving riven first blood and from that point it snowballed really hard. I was not able to get into too much action so I just sat there and farmed, mid lane was a constant 2 v 2 as both junglers tried to camp it this resulting in me dying quite a bit of times but riven geting even more fed. But boy was it nice to get a triple when I entered as a 1 4 morde vs 4 enemies when I recovered all the early lost farm. Another win, I made some mistakes because at a moment the game became a stomp and I wasn't really trying anymore, also I know I could've done better on my cs especially with morde (my favorite farmer).
The game was pretty much determined in the first minutes, both riven and xin were coming to gank mid lane and they meet each other, I react faster than fizz and manage to use my W on riven and E xin thus giving riven first blood and from that point it snowballed really hard. I was not able to get into too much action so I just sat there and farmed, mid lane was a constant 2 v 2 as both junglers tried to camp it this resulting in me dying quite a bit of times but riven geting even more fed. But boy was it nice to get a triple when I entered as a 1 4 morde vs 4 enemies when I recovered all the early lost farm. Another win, I made some mistakes because at a moment the game became a stomp and I wasn't really trying anymore, also I know I could've done better on my cs especially with morde (my favorite farmer).
-thanks to The_Nameless_Bard, effinvices, Joxuu, LaCorpse and arcan3 for the sigs-
ELO CHANGE: 1357 -> 1345
This game was a total herp derp one, our jungler maokai decided to go for a level 4 tower dive and ended up giving first blood to swain... okay. I tried to just farm under turret since I had no chance at killing swain, I don't know... I played lazy, I could've ganked way more than I did and my item build is horrible. Deserved to lose this one I guess.
-thanks to The_Nameless_Bard, effinvices, Joxuu, LaCorpse and arcan3 for the sigs-
ELO CHANGE: 1345 -> 1333
Our shaco afked when in their jungle at level 2 and when returning to base he passed by mid tower, and because the sportsmanship was strong talon insta blew everything he had on him geting first blood. We were going to give up but by when I was level 9 shaco reconnects, and again because the sportsmanship is strong, cho and talon kept killing him in his jungle (we couldn't even react since he was level 2 and died in an instant), then in 1 major team fight galio afked and this lost us the inhibitor, 1 nexus turret and the baron (eventually he returned). After that we aced them but wasn't enough, they won 1 more team fight and pushed for the win. I didn't die once in lane and was close to killing garen many times but unsuccesful... a bad game overall.
Our shaco afked when in their jungle at level 2 and when returning to base he passed by mid tower, and because the sportsmanship was strong talon insta blew everything he had on him geting first blood. We were going to give up but by when I was level 9 shaco reconnects, and again because the sportsmanship is strong, cho and talon kept killing him in his jungle (we couldn't even react since he was level 2 and died in an instant), then in 1 major team fight galio afked and this lost us the inhibitor, 1 nexus turret and the baron (eventually he returned). After that we aced them but wasn't enough, they won 1 more team fight and pushed for the win. I didn't die once in lane and was close to killing garen many times but unsuccesful... a bad game overall.
-thanks to The_Nameless_Bard, effinvices, Joxuu, LaCorpse and arcan3 for the sigs-
Had 2 games but forgot to take screen shot xD
In the first game I went with rengar, took first blood on nunu as a result of an invade and dominated jayce first 13 minutes till a fail dive gave jayce a double kill and equalized the lane. Our bot lane was pretty much stomping theirs and our katarina would shout out in /all "GG that was the game" at every and each death and would complain about how lux is "so fed" because she was behind by 50 cs... whatever. Hopefully in mid game my team was able to follow up my initiations and the enemy team kept focusing me down thus allowing kata and cait to kill them all.
The second game I played taric, a misscommunication between the enemy team led to jax going bot lane with ashe, we pretty much stomped them in bot lane. Riven got a double on our lane and started snowballing from there, twisted fate showed great pressure on all map, the only lane that lost was top lane (not losing really hard but he was being zoned for quite a while). Although our corki didn't really understand the conecept of an ad carry (he was using his E to get past the frontline and try to kill ashe) our lead was already too big and we won.
Well I hope I am not going by the 2 lose 2 win pattern now.
-thanks to The_Nameless_Bard, effinvices, Joxuu, LaCorpse and arcan3 for the sigs-
FalseoGod wrote:
I think on the kata game you finished liandri's too soon, shoulda gone for HP first.
Good luck getting your gold frame!
I know, I would usually not finish liandry until later in game but my morale was pretty low at that moment and thus I made poor decisions.
-thanks to The_Nameless_Bard, effinvices, Joxuu, LaCorpse and arcan3 for the sigs-
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This is my last game:ELO CHANGE: 1331 -> 1344
This was definitely not my game, I tried to go agressive many times early on bot lane but failed miserably, I even got baited to clear a ward and died. One fail tower dive and some fail W+Q combos(not many) but that was all, the other 2 deaths happened in the following team fights because for some strange reason I was geting focused, sejuani actually is the one did work in our team.