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@ Cooper
There are 7 minutes between those two posts. Comments on this site can be edited.
You do the math.
Wildturtle's play in some of the teamfights that game was absolutely atrocious, guess that's what happens when he doesn't have infinite range and a knockback and an escape ability.
There are 7 minutes between those two posts. Comments on this site can be edited.
You do the math.
Wildturtle's play in some of the teamfights that game was absolutely atrocious, guess that's what happens when he doesn't have infinite range and a knockback and an escape ability.
Thanks to jhoijhoi for the signature!
sirell wrote:
They folded under pressure.
Pretty much you could tell they panicked and cracked. Its happened to them before they have some serious problems.
I dont even want to watch tsm vs ssw it will just be one sided.
Tsm should change there shot caller it should not be bjergsen. Most of top teams use support and jungler not mid....