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Champion Tier List (WIP)

Creator: B-Wong June 28, 2010 11:17am
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hypershatter's Forum Avatar
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Aug 25th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 20, 2010 9:32am | Report
anivia for top tier. wrecking team with constant burst + support/disable/field control

especially after Elementz put her in top tier, my anivia fanboiness increased by 500%.
Restrictnine#5232's Forum Avatar
Jul 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 20, 2010 12:22pm | Report
Annie - Burst Caster
Fiddlesticks - Caster
Katarina - DPS/Nuker
Malphite - Tank/Initiator
Master Yi - Carry DPS
Rammus - Tank DPS
Shaco - Assasin DPS
Shen - Tank Support DPS
Twitch - DPS Asassin/Carry

Ashe - Carry DPS
Blitzcrank - Support/Initiator
Corki - DPS
Jax - Carry DPS
Kayle - Support DPS
Morgana - Caster/Support
Pantheon - DPS/Initiator
Singed - Tank/Support
Sivir - Support/Turret Pusher
Tryndamere - DPS
Twisted Fate - Support/DPS/Pusher/Chaser

Akali - Burst DPS/Assasin
Alistar - Tank/Support
Amumu - Tank/Initiator
Anivia - Support
Cho'Gath - Tank
Ezreal - Range DPS
Gangplank - Burst DPS
Heimerdinger - Caster/Support
Karthus - Caster/Finisher
Kog'Maw - Caster/Range DPS/Hybrid
Mordekaiser - DPS/Tank
Nasus - DPS Tank
Nidalee - Support/Chaser
Nunu - Caster/Tank/Support
Taric - Support
Teemo - DPS/Scout
Warwick - Burst/DPS

Dr.Mundo - Tank
Garen - DPS/Chaser
Gragas - Support/Tank
Kennen - Nuke DPS/Chaser
Kog'Maw - Range DPS Caster
Olaf - DPS/Tank
Poppy - Tank/DPS
Soraka - Support

Kassadin - DPS/Chaser
Ryze - Burst Caster
Sion - Tank/DPS
Tristana - DPS

Evelynn - Assasin
Janna - Support/Caster
Udyr - DPS/Tank
Veigar - Caster
Zilean - Support

First of all. I agree with this tier list if you are basing it off of the quality of play seen in Normal, but come on. Sion in mid/low tier? hes not even tank/dps. he CAN be, but he is played better as an AP burst. Udyr is indeed and offtank, but very few people know of good builds for him, and therefore fail with his strange playstyle. I main udyr, and know for a FACT that you can easily carry a team and still be a major tank. I have gone 13/1/14 in under half an hour for the win with Udyr. He has CC, he has an AD boost, he has a burst damage skill, and one of the best shields in the game. people just discount him because he is awfully uncommon. another thing. Garen, Kog'maw, and olaf in the same tier as Mundo?? i hope we are talking about 3v3 if this is the case, because any casual player can easily pick up garen and carry a team while being a super tank. Olaf is fairly easy to play, you just need to be fearless. Kog'maw... is a little different. for the casual gamer, he is very hard to play. But that doesn't make him fail by any means. btw kog is on there twice.

i actually agree with malphite being up there, and most people may rage. but his ultimate is one of the best initiates in the game, has one of the best slows in the game, and has a great skill that scales with armor, of all things. his passive blocks 10% of his health too. amazing. Fiddle is far too squishy, and is good, but not enough to roll with the likes of annie and twitch. Kat is very hard to learn, and most people fail miserably wiith her. Master Yi can easily be countered, and if you say differently, you don't know what you are talking about. The only way Yi is top tier is the only way any melee DPS can make top tier. by being ridiculously fed. The only melee dps that i know of that should REALLY be high or top tier are tryndamere and xin zhao. it is almost impossible for a xin zhao to do bad, and a tryn is almost guaranteed a kill or two in every team fight, no matter how fed they are. Karthus is a bottomfeeding noob that steals kills from teammates that need it more. he does nothing good for the team. at all. Taric and Warwick should be higher as well. Warwick can literally control the entire map by himself with blood scent and that fantastic ult of his. Taric, when built correctly, is undeniably one of the best supports in the game. If you go tank dps hybrid support, he can 1v1 almost any dps in the game. i kid you not. plus his ult is the single best buff in the game from a champion.
Click on the Banner to see my new and improved Udyr guide!

Guides By RestrictNine, A.K.A. Taggrin
Gravefury's Forum Avatar
Jul 26th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 20, 2010 12:32pm | Report

Annie - Burst Caster
Fiddlesticks - Caster
Katarina - DPS/Nuker
Malphite - Tank/Initiator
Master Yi - Carry DPS
Rammus - Tank DPS
Shaco - Assasin DPS
Shen - Tank Support DPS
Twitch - DPS Asassin/Carry

Ashe - Carry DPS
Blitzcrank - Support/Initiator
Corki - DPS
Jax - Carry DPS
Kayle - Support DPS
Morgana - Caster/Support
Pantheon - DPS/Initiator
Singed - Tank/Support
Sivir - Support/Turret Pusher
Tryndamere - DPS
Twisted Fate - Support/DPS/Pusher/Chaser

Akali - Burst DPS/Assasin
Alistar - Tank/Support
Amumu - Tank/Initiator
Anivia - Support
Cho'Gath - Tank
Ezreal - Range DPS
Gangplank - Burst DPS
Heimerdinger - Caster/Support
Karthus - Caster/Finisher
Kog'Maw - Caster/Range DPS/Hybrid
Mordekaiser - DPS/Tank
Nasus - DPS Tank
Nidalee - Support/Chaser
Nunu - Caster/Tank/Support
Taric - Support
Teemo - DPS/Scout
Warwick - Burst/DPS

Dr.Mundo - Tank
Garen - DPS/Chaser
Gragas - Support/Tank
Kennen - Nuke DPS/Chaser
Kog'Maw - Range DPS Caster
Olaf - DPS/Tank
Poppy - Tank/DPS
Soraka - Support

Kassadin - DPS/Chaser
Ryze - Burst Caster
Sion - Tank/DPS
Tristana - DPS

Evelynn - Assasin
Janna - Support/Caster
Udyr - DPS/Tank
Veigar - Caster
Zilean - Support

First of all. I agree with this tier list if you are basing it off of the quality of play seen in Normal, but come on. Sion in mid/low tier? hes not even tank/dps. he CAN be, but he is played better as an AP burst. Udyr is indeed and offtank, but very few people know of good builds for him, and therefore fail with his strange playstyle. I main udyr, and know for a FACT that you can easily carry a team and still be a major tank. I have gone 13/1/14 in under half an hour for the win with Udyr. He has CC, he has an AD boost, he has a burst damage skill, and one of the best shields in the game. people just discount him because he is awfully uncommon. another thing. Garen, Kog'maw, and olaf in the same tier as Mundo?? i hope we are talking about 3v3 if this is the case, because any casual player can easily pick up garen and carry a team while being a super tank. Olaf is fairly easy to play, you just need to be fearless. Kog'maw... is a little different. for the casual gamer, he is very hard to play. But that doesn't make him fail by any means. btw kog is on there twice.

i actually agree with malphite being up there, and most people may rage. but his ultimate is one of the best initiates in the game, has one of the best slows in the game, and has a great skill that scales with armor, of all things. his passive blocks 10% of his health too. amazing. Fiddle is far too squishy, and is good, but not enough to roll with the likes of annie and twitch. Kat is very hard to learn, and most people fail miserably wiith her. Master Yi can easily be countered, and if you say differently, you don't know what you are talking about. The only way Yi is top tier is the only way any melee DPS can make top tier. by being ridiculously fed. The only melee dps that i know of that should REALLY be high or top tier are tryndamere and xin zhao. it is almost impossible for a xin zhao to do bad, and a tryn is almost guaranteed a kill or two in every team fight, no matter how fed they are. Karthus is a bottomfeeding noob that steals kills from teammates that need it more. he does nothing good for the team. at all. Taric and Warwick should be higher as well. Warwick can literally control the entire map by himself with blood scent and that fantastic ult of his. Taric, when built correctly, is undeniably one of the best supports in the game. If you go tank dps hybrid support, he can 1v1 almost any dps in the game. i kid you not. plus his ult is the single best buff in the game from a champion.

this thread is really outdated, lol don't know why you would comment
B-Wong's Forum Avatar
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Jun 14th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 20, 2010 3:06pm | Report
Yea.. I kinda stopped bothering once people were pissed at me. So whatever, also I really don't believe twitch to be TOP TIER. He's just sorta like "Kill me or die". Ultra squishy so 2 auto attacks are fine by me.

Restrictnine#5232's Forum Avatar
Jul 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 20, 2010 3:35pm | Report
i like Elementz's tier list.
Click on the Banner to see my new and improved Udyr guide!

Guides By RestrictNine, A.K.A. Taggrin
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