Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
We're level 3. We assume tristana/leona has 4 seconds to kill caitlyn:
4 seconds=
3*64=192 AA
60+60+40=160 Abilities.
3*35=105 passive procs.
3*55= 165 AA
= 50 Rocket jump.
= 110 ignite
= 50 explosive shot.
If we assume that tristana has a dorans blade that's 30 more damage.
192 + 160 + 105 + 165 + 50 + 110 + 50 = 832
That's around at least 600 damage burst after resistance. Caitlyn's base is 550. 650 After accounting for a dorans blade. So that means unless soraka has summoner heal, caitlyn is probably deadmeat.
4 seconds=
3*64=192 AA
60+60+40=160 Abilities.
3*35=105 passive procs.
3*55= 165 AA
= 50 Rocket jump.
= 110 ignite
= 50 explosive shot.
If we assume that tristana has a dorans blade that's 30 more damage.
192 + 160 + 105 + 165 + 50 + 110 + 50 = 832
That's around at least 600 damage burst after resistance. Caitlyn's base is 550. 650 After accounting for a dorans blade. So that means unless soraka has summoner heal, caitlyn is probably deadmeat.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
You can't apply math to this. Tristana naturally has insanely high burst at levels two and six.
This math is under the assumption that you were engaged on by the enemy Leona and Trist. On the other hand, with Caitlyn's long range and gap-closer, she should not be engaged on.
^ My opinions.
This math is under the assumption that you were engaged on by the enemy Leona and Trist. On the other hand, with Caitlyn's long range and gap-closer, she should not be engaged on.
^ My opinions.
Even if the Cait / Soraka lane survives and doesn't feed the Tristana, you are still looking at a weaker mid/late game. Highly unlikely that you would come out of lane phase ahead, which is what you would need to do to punish that lane match up.
You can't peddle papooses with a dancing monkey.
I was gonna say counter with Sona/Graves or Sona/Ashe or something, but I don't know how effective Sona is post-patch, so I'll give you the safest option, which is Janna/Vayne. Tumble to avoid stuns, shield to eat some burst, and Condemn for the "**** you rocket jump". And if it's a good Janna who can hit her skillshot, Vayne will be untouchable.

A poke lane will generally beat a kill lane, which in this case is Leona / Trist.
Just don't go for early engagements, and slowly poke the **** out of them.
I'm not so sure about the Soraka now. Cait should be fine, but I believe Soraka can be switched to a support whose kit supports (cwatididthar) poking. Maybe Sona?
Just don't go for early engagements, and slowly poke the **** out of them.
I'm not so sure about the Soraka now. Cait should be fine, but I believe Soraka can be switched to a support whose kit supports (cwatididthar) poking. Maybe Sona?
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I think an Irelia/Graves lane, might legitimately win this matchup.
Sustain-farm Lane: "Soraka-Cait Can't touch this". Pretty sure Leona-Trist outscales this lane, but i see it working out.