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Elo Hell

Creator: Spaceycoww February 22, 2012 7:48pm
14 posts - page 2 of 2
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sh0cki's Forum Avatar
Sep 23rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 23, 2012 3:23am | Report
duoQ with same elo friend = last 2 picks, good elo income, lesser chance to get ******s as it pair you with little higher elo mates due to duoQ bonus, but enemy have same chances as you as they are also little higher elo.
duoQ with much lover elo friend - u are 1st pick, he is lastpick
duoQ with much higher elo friend - he is 1st pick, u are lastpick

any duoQ game - there are only 3 ppl who can be ******ed compared to 4 in soloQ

there is no spot for support on bot lane till ~1300 elo if you are not taking bot with your duoQ buddy.
games are taking ~25 minutes till 1st emoquit if u dont let bot farm if u got 2 dps bot and punish them for every mistake.

use damn TS/mumble/skype communication to sync actions with your duoQ buddy. you can learn to play together without it, but most of time it is not always same person so use voiceeeee
xIchi's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 23, 2012 4:35am | Report
Yep, I am the one who does not believe in Elo Hell.
Dodged to 0. Now won 5 Games in a row and have 86 of my Elo back.

Ppl. always flame about others.
( I am the admin of a facebook grp) there they are flaming bout elo hell all day... and I tested everyone of them (played with them) and have to admit: THEY ARE ****IN BAD.

Keep playing Normals until you can atleast be really good. Otherwise the Elo system will just bash you into the elo you belong to, and you will remain there.

(Example: I was 1200-1400 Season 1 ALL THE TIME. Until I accepted it (as my level of play) and started to play Normals again. (Season 2 start, I was 1,5k until I started the 0 to Goldranks project)
<Crowd Favorite>
Embracing's Forum Avatar
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 23, 2012 5:15am | Report
Get better so you can carry worse teammates.

RaNuD's Forum Avatar
Jun 21st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 23, 2012 6:39am | Report
There is a possibility of 5 ******s in the other team, while there is a possibility of 3 ******s in yours if you duoqueue.

How is the concept of ELO hell even possible then? You should eventually raise to your own real ELO.

Also, care with advices such as "carry harder". For example, if you suck at playing ranged AD, just stick with the role you're better with. I raised my own ELO playing mainly Sona and Taric (kay kay, Sona was OP, so what). Good wards all over the map, and managing to keep an Oracle up is an excellent way to "carry harder", among things.
In a thread about his own ban,
gabpin wrote:
stfu I only did that : swearing and thats why i got ban are u ****** or something ?

In a thread about toxic players,
Go be a whiny baby elsewhere. Find and abuse the ignore button. No sense stinking up this forum with your crying.
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