I feel like dodging every game where someone calls support, then locks in Lux. I have literally lost every game where our support was Lux, why? Just why.
I also felt like dodging when someone locked in jungle Vayne. They actually did well, but I feel like they were a bit lucky ;) I try to give ppl the benefit of the doubt with odd builds though. Support Lux is just my pet peeve.
I also felt like dodging when someone locked in jungle Vayne. They actually did well, but I feel like they were a bit lucky ;) I try to give ppl the benefit of the doubt with odd builds though. Support Lux is just my pet peeve.
Thanks to GrandMasterD for my sig!
Who plays support Lux? LOL.
As far at the OP though, I do have to say I've asked questions like that before just because I simply didn't know. Whats so wrong about asking if some one is AP or AD? Especially on a champ you don't see often like Urgot.
Asking those things don't make people bad players.
Just sayin'
As far at the OP though, I do have to say I've asked questions like that before just because I simply didn't know. Whats so wrong about asking if some one is AP or AD? Especially on a champ you don't see often like Urgot.
Asking those things don't make people bad players.
Just sayin'
Orianna Guide // Ahri Guide // +Rep for hugs ♡ // Signature Café!!
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Actually I have seen some strong support Lux players. I think it may be a more common pick in the EU servers. Sometimes it can work fairly well. That said it seems difficult to do.
I have once played with an AD Janna, who swore they could do well and then failed horribly, and I've also seen an AD Sona who actually didn't do that bad. These kind of people do make me want to queue dodge for sure.
Also I've had someone rage at me in the champion select cause he thought that AP Kog'Maw (which as you may or may not know is absolutely beastly) was a stupid choice when I announced I'd be playing it.
I would agree with LaCorpse though, there's no harm in asking what you are building sometimes, and some people don't know every champion inside out.
I have once played with an AD Janna, who swore they could do well and then failed horribly, and I've also seen an AD Sona who actually didn't do that bad. These kind of people do make me want to queue dodge for sure.
Also I've had someone rage at me in the champion select cause he thought that AP Kog'Maw (which as you may or may not know is absolutely beastly) was a stupid choice when I announced I'd be playing it.
I would agree with LaCorpse though, there's no harm in asking what you are building sometimes, and some people don't know every champion inside out.
Check out my guides- Ziggs: Mr Bombastic
The thing is, Urgot only has one skill that scales with AP, and that's his shield. AP != damage on him. Hell, he's not even capable of doing magic damage without building on-hit items.
While there are 92 champions in the game currently, it doesn't take that much playtime to get at least a vague sense of what each of their kits are and how most of them are usually built (AP or AD). People like to play a lot of different things, plus the fact that there's the whole free champion rotation goin' on (and Urgot was just free, no less), so players should see every champion after enough time. In general, if a player doesn't know the first thing about a champion, no matter how uncommon, it means they are new. In general, if a player is new, they aren't as likely to be good. In general, players who aren't as likely to be good end up losing more games. I can't blame anyone for not wanting to be in a game with someone who isn't as likely to be good, as that's a game more likely to end as a loss.
While there are 92 champions in the game currently, it doesn't take that much playtime to get at least a vague sense of what each of their kits are and how most of them are usually built (AP or AD). People like to play a lot of different things, plus the fact that there's the whole free champion rotation goin' on (and Urgot was just free, no less), so players should see every champion after enough time. In general, if a player doesn't know the first thing about a champion, no matter how uncommon, it means they are new. In general, if a player is new, they aren't as likely to be good. In general, players who aren't as likely to be good end up losing more games. I can't blame anyone for not wanting to be in a game with someone who isn't as likely to be good, as that's a game more likely to end as a loss.
OTGBionicArm wrote: Armored wimminz = badass.
My posts may be long. If this bothers you, don't read them.
My posts may be long. If this bothers you, don't read them.
lifebaka wrote:
The thing is, Urgot only has one skill that scales with AP, and that's his shield. AP != damage on him. Hell, he's not even capable of doing magic damage without building on-hit items.
While there are 92 champions in the game currently, it doesn't take that much playtime to get at least a vague sense of what each of their kits are and how most of them are usually built (AP or AD). People like to play a lot of different things, plus the fact that there's the whole free champion rotation goin' on (and Urgot was just free, no less), so players should see every champion after enough time. In general, if a player doesn't know the first thing about a champion, no matter how uncommon, it means they are new. In general, if a player is new, they aren't as likely to be good. In general, players who aren't as likely to be good end up losing more games. I can't blame anyone for not wanting to be in a game with someone who isn't as likely to be good, as that's a game more likely to end as a loss.
In general, I cant be bothered to read up on champions I don't play. I look at how the other team is building when I play but I don't memorize things. Does this make me a bad player? No.
So I believe that this statement is invalad. Just because some one doesn't know things about a champion that they don't personally play, does not make them a bad player, or even a new one.
Orianna Guide // Ahri Guide // +Rep for hugs ♡ // Signature Café!!
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Yeah I mean I know that Urgot is an AD carry but to be honest I had no idea whether any skills scaled with AP so I wouldn't know if it was a viable choice. That doesn't mean to say I would ask if you were building AD or AP on Urgot but some people legitimately might if they want to build around you and aren't sure. Or maybe they saw someone play an AP Urgot before :P
Check out my guides- Ziggs: Mr Bombastic
LaCorpse wrote:
In general, I cant be bothered to read up on champions I don't play. I look at how the other team is building when I play but I don't memorize things. Does this make me a bad player? No.
So I believe that this statement is invalad. Just because some one doesn't know things about a champion that they don't personally play, does not make them a bad player, or even a new one.
I don't tend to read up on champions I don't play either, but if you have ever played against them you've gotten some sense of what they are. It only takes one game against Urgot, for instance, to realize that he's got a shield, an aoe dot, a ranged skill with short cd that can fly over other targets while the aoe dot is on, and a repositioning skill that suppresses. Paying a little more attention could tip you off that he seems be AD ('cuz he builds AD items), his shield adds a slow effect to his attacks ('cuz you don't run so fast while it's up), and that repositioning skill is his ultimate ('cuz he couldn't use it before level 6). Not knowing these things might make one think it's a great idea to turret dive that 15% HP Urgot who just hit level 6, 'cuz you're at 100% HP and can burst him down to dead in almost no time at all. But then he waits until the turret is attacking you and hits you with his ult, you end up suppressed for a bit while taking turret damage, end up deeper in the turret and slowed, and then die (especially if he combines this with Exhaust).
This applies to all champions. You need to have at least some basic sense of what their skills do in order to play against them effectively. And very simply, demonstrating a complete lack of knowledge about champion A means you're more likely to also have a completely lack of knowledge about champion B, for all champions A and B, which means you're more likely to do stupid things, which means you're more likely to lose games.
Of course, it also helps a lot to try champions when they're free, to help get a better understanding of how they all work, but I write the above assuming that this does not happen for the player in question.
OTGBionicArm wrote: Armored wimminz = badass.
My posts may be long. If this bothers you, don't read them.
My posts may be long. If this bothers you, don't read them.
First of all, questions such as these would be perfectly fine for newer players, don't get me wrong about that. But I've been level 30 for months, and months, now, and I expect most players at that level to know what champions do, and their abilities. I can confidently say, I know exactly what just about every ability in the game does, and I know how to build most champions, and what to skill on them. Do I spend all day reading up on them? No, I've just been playing for a while, and I know these things. I have on occasion went and looked something up, if I wasn't sure about that.
ANYWAY, none of that matters, because I forgot to mention, that this guy had played Urgot before, so he should know that only his shield scaled with ap. He also stated that he's seen many Urgots build ap. I'm not sure if he really did see all these people, or if he simply seen them build TotG, and assumed that they were building ap for some reason O.o
Also, AP Koggy is probs the biggest win in all of LoL :D
ANYWAY, none of that matters, because I forgot to mention, that this guy had played Urgot before, so he should know that only his shield scaled with ap. He also stated that he's seen many Urgots build ap. I'm not sure if he really did see all these people, or if he simply seen them build TotG, and assumed that they were building ap for some reason O.o
Also, AP Koggy is probs the biggest win in all of LoL :D
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You may as well build AP Vayne or Mp5 on Rumble...
Has anyone else had any moments like this? Where you almost wanted to queue dodge, because you were unsure whether or not you were about to play with a sane person. O.o