Nothing special. If you go AP then you have okay early ganks but not anywhere near the same league as
Maokai etc. You may clear camps in decent speed but late-game your just dead weight since you can't get as much farm as you could at the usual mid position so your dependent on enemy team being stupid and allowing all your ganks to be successful (something you never want to count on...).
If you go AD then you have little to no ganking presence even post level 6 gankers like
Warwick outmatch you in that department (once they hit 6 their ganks are deadly). You may have a better late-game but its still rather sub-par since you won't be getting as much farm as
Sion needs/wants.
TL:DR - No sustain, vulnerable to invasions, weak dragon control and slow clearing time in comparison to top junglers. Why pick him? Outmatched by far in the jungle.

If you go AD then you have little to no ganking presence even post level 6 gankers like

TL:DR - No sustain, vulnerable to invasions, weak dragon control and slow clearing time in comparison to top junglers. Why pick him? Outmatched by far in the jungle.

If I helped +Rep, if I didn't then +Rep the person who did.
McLovin12134567 wrote:
Is he good or mediocre any opinions welocome.
Tried him a few times. Don't feel his pressence in the jungle is really that strong. His ganks are good'ish. He has a stun on demand that's a pretty darn good gap-closer, and brings a lot of damage.
Medicore imo.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
The only reason for picking sion and going jungle is if you're getting countered in the lanes AD sion are really weak early on and the jungle can always give you a nice start you just need to farm a lot, focus more on farming less on ganking.
I've carried as jungle sion before and a farmed sion can be dangerous when he comes out of the jungle
I've carried as jungle sion before and a farmed sion can be dangerous when he comes out of the jungle
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