I already used to build shen merc's, warmogs, sunfire, atma's, wit's end. (random mr item) which resulted in around 4,2k health, 160 attk dmg, high attackspeed cuz of wits end, 180 armor and mr. This build is going to syngerise incredibly good with the new shen kit. Huge ki strike dmg, high ad and attack speed and huge shield from w.
Best patch ever
[quote=marisi]I already used to build shen merc's, warmogs, sunfire, atma's, wit's end. (random mr item) which resulted in around 4,2k health, 160 attk dmg, high attackspeed cuz of wits end, 180 armor and mr. This build is going to syngerise incredibly good with the new shen kit. Huge ki strike dmg, high ad and attack speed and huge shield from w.
Best patch ever[/quote]
Best patch ever