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Official QQ Thread

Creator: jhoijhoi June 6, 2011 7:25am
17992 posts - page 1072 of 1800
Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2013 12:00pm | Report
SkidmarkD wrote:

NO, the 20 min is fine.
Imagine some trolls keeping you busy for +40 mins.....OMFG I'd start killing people then.


Also there are people who just surrender without even try, but isn't that big issue and more rare then trolls that keep you for 40 useless mins. so yeah, kinda agree with skidmarkd
"It's gonna be legen… wait for it… dary!"
XeresAce's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2013 12:31pm | Report
So, you're telling me that I'm one of the only few players that suffers from premature surrenders as opposed to trolls?
If people troll on my team and refuse to cooperate I troll and have fun too. If people however, decide to surrender while I've worked hard for the 20 mins before to keep control of the game and hold my own while keeping the game in balance to make up for all of the mistakes my team made THEN I get infuriated.
Thanks to Koksei for the sig!
Ahruu's Forum Avatar
May 8th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2013 1:16pm | Report
Q ****ing Q.
Don't +rep me im a bad person
mastrer1000's Forum Avatar
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Jan 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2013 3:21pm | Report
qq i am around rank 8,5k at osu catch the beat, but i am inconsistent as hell. sometimes i play like rank 60k and even if i play my a-game i don't feel like i deserve anything better than 15-20k. when i play with others around my rating then i just get owned(i get instagibbed and the rest gets a or s) and i know that i would not be able to beat the song even if i play as good as i can.
Thanks to IPodPulse for this <3^
XeresAce's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2013 3:24pm | Report
^Im around 30k on ctb and I'm kinda in the same boat lol
Except by inconsistent I mean, some days I can play suuuuuper hard maps and get S/SS on them and the other days I get instagibbed on the very same map
Idk why that happens
Thanks to Koksei for the sig!
mastrer1000's Forum Avatar
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Jan 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2013 4:02pm | Report
XeresAce wrote:

^Im around 30k on ctb and I'm kinda in the same boat lol
Except by inconsistent I mean, some days I can play suuuuuper hard maps and get S/SS on them and the other days I get instagibbed on the very same map
Idk why that happens

i just played a map with ~s all the time. a short time before the end of the song i just died. it was not harder than before :D
Thanks to IPodPulse for this <3^
mobafox's Forum Avatar
Jul 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2013 11:51pm | Report
Picked Teemo top, enemy picks Riven top

Team mates cries that Riven gonna rip Teemo apart all day. In game, Riven gets bullied by Teemo all the way to inhibitor. Just pure silent from team, and other lanes perform so damn bad.

Lucky this Teemo is able to sneak and carried the team taking all the inhibitors when enemies too busy trying to push mid at second tier tower. Not a single gratitude given to this Teemo.

After winning the game, all the whiners left the room instantly.

people should go study how Teemo works 1st before following people saying how useless he is. Im very suprise players in SEA has no idea how strong is Bruiser Teemo is.

Also, people need to learn to take objectives when I already succeeding on global taunting everyone to top lane for a long period of time.
Jack Rubino
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 10, 2013 8:41am | Report
QQ am i the only who cant log in right now? and who lost 3 ranked games in a row for trollers,ragers,feeders,flamers,not comunicating ? and went down to around 30 lp (maybe?) from 88 when i started today to play. i lost around 16 lp for games. W lol players... i need to find a duoQ mate..
"Heheh.... the laws of this world... I shall decide them!"
Jack Rubino
Jack Rubino's Forum Avatar
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 10, 2013 9:02am | Report
Another Ordinary Day On LoL EUW

Just for keep the ridicolousness mode on

"No way - Never - Can't cut it off before I've even had a chance to use it once!"

Special thanks to Vapora Dark!
XeresAce's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 10, 2013 9:21am | Report
Euw <3
Thanks to GrandmasterD for the sig!

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