Carrying with my favorite champ Lulu like a boss =p.
nog even kort samengevat: een lampje is voor dove mensen, een ratelapparaat voor blinden. het mooiste is natuurlijk een combinatie van beide: een lampje met een ratelapparaat, voor het geval er iemand langskomt die blind én doof is.
My promo series win, I was mid but Teemo just went and took it even though I was first pick, so I had to go bot with Leona, fortunately she was both an amazing player and a really nice person. The game was so easy coz they only had 2 competent players ( Malphite, Darius). All my deaths bar one were late game, the first was a 1-for-1 trade with Graves but I got first blood.
If I have helped in anyway at all a +rep will be appreciated lots
Thanks to LaCorpse, Hogopogo and JhoiJhoi for the amazing sigs
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