So, started the ranked journey (went 6/4 with only 2 afks and an intentional feeding, which is nice).
But this game was really really satisfying to win.
So Jarvan IV only connected to the game at like 12 minutes, and at something like 20 minutes Quinn told us "Gtg guys cya" and went afk, after she suicided 4 times ofc.
We started to group, play defensively and let J4 farm sidelanes to get him going.
I got some really nice hooks on Lucian and Lux that made them lose their flash so Darius could just flash onto them to start the rape whenever Jarvan IV initiated.
The ennemy team was insanely salty after they lost that ;)
Funny thing #1 : We won every fight without losing anyone almost everytime (our deaths was due to overstay sometimes)
Funny thing #2 : We were ahead in gold the entire game
But this game was really really satisfying to win.
So Jarvan IV only connected to the game at like 12 minutes, and at something like 20 minutes Quinn told us "Gtg guys cya" and went afk, after she suicided 4 times ofc.
We started to group, play defensively and let J4 farm sidelanes to get him going.
I got some really nice hooks on Lucian and Lux that made them lose their flash so Darius could just flash onto them to start the rape whenever Jarvan IV initiated.
The ennemy team was insanely salty after they lost that ;)
Funny thing #1 : We won every fight without losing anyone almost everytime (our deaths was due to overstay sometimes)
Funny thing #2 : We were ahead in gold the entire game
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lolz. I haven't touched him since before his rework. I played him once in an aram the first week he was free, then never played him again but bought him because I figured I should learn him.
I have no idea what I'm doing, but Nick carried bot lane so it was k.
sad, but true: this is probably one of the higher numbers of CS I have reached in a game where I was actually, you know, playing against human beings.