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Saving for that IP

Creator: Adonikam May 23, 2011 7:31pm
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Oct 16th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 23, 2011 7:31pm | Report
By spending your IP wisely. Don't believe you can? I'll run the numbers.

It takes about 300 Normal games to hit level 30, assuming few or no Custom games. If you play to FWotD most of the time, you average 2 games per day--fine for a casual player. I'll assume 100 IP/win and 65 IP/loss, which is reasonable as those are the numbers for a 35-minute game, and the average game is a little over 35 minutes. So 150 wins + 150 losses = (65+100)*150 IP = 24,750 IP.

Now we need to add your FWotD. It's likely some of your wins aren't FWotDs because you're only human--but let's say 80% are. So 120*150 = 18,000 more IP for a total of 42,750 IP earned.

Two decent rune pages. How about...
Mage page: Mpen reds, mp5/lvl yellows, CDR blues, MS quints
AD page: Apen reds, Dodge yellows, CDR blues, Apen quints
Total cost is 410*18 + 820*18 + 205*9 + 2050*3 + 1025*3 = 33,210 IP spent. I'm even getting you expensive runes here. That'll be important in a sec.

That leaves 9,540 IP for champions. So let's look at what we can do with 9500 IP
0-Tristana (Facebook still works)

That's 9,450 IP.

Congratulations! You have a competitive champion lineup, with powerful options for every role, and competitive rune pages to boot.

But you know what's even better? Let's say you want to jungle, and you think Armor seals will do better than Dodge for that. And oh, you can grab MR/lvl glyphs instead of CDR, since blue buff + blue pot + masteries = 40% CDR at lvl 18 for the champions that really need it maxed.

With this change, you can trade in any two 1350 champions on the above list for 6300 champions. Alternatively, you can trade in five 1350 champs for 3150 champs--or just buy three more 3150 champs right off. Wanted MF instead of Tristana? Vlad instead of Ryze? You can have 'em! Or maybe those top tanks, Shen/Rammus/Malphite, were begging you to buy them--you can do that too.

So stop *****ing about the IP system and how it's so hard to be competitive when it takes ~75 games to buy the latest 6300 champion. You don't need a single 6300 champion to be competitive--though you can certainly get one or two without hampering yourself. The limiting factor is not the time it takes to get IP; the limiting factor is the time it takes to get to level 30. And just how many fresh level 30s are ready for Ranked, anyway?

-Reasonable time investment
-Buy whatever you want with your IP
-Be competitive
You can only have three of four. And that's not a problem.

A clarification: This post is primarily meant to examine the IP system from a competitive player's standpoint. How hard is it to become competitive using IP? I've seen enough posters complaining about how the low IP rates and high IP prices make it impossible to be competitive for free that I felt compelled to refute that assertion.

What this post does not examine is the consumer's perspective. I do not talk about whether a 6300 champion is fairly priced, in terms of IP or RP. I do not talk about whether the time investment to acquire IP for your favorite champion is exorbitant. My personal attitude is that if it's too expensive, you should simply not buy it; that will send a much more effective message than, say, boycotting RP because IP prices are too high. If people keep saving IP for 6300 champions, Riot will get the message that 6300 is a fair price point.

But all that is immaterial to the topic of my post.

Rune analysis time. People have charged that my rune selection is not viable for competition. So let's take a look at a competitive player, shall we?

HotshotGG's rune pages:
[marks, seals, glyphs, quints]
1. Apen, Dodge, CDR, Apen
2. Mpen, Hp/lvl, mana/lvl, MS
3. Mpen, Hp/lvl, AP/lvl, AP/lvl
4. Mpen, Dodge, MR, MS
5. Apen, mp5/lvl, MR, Apen
6. Mpen, mp5/lvl, CDR, Mpen
7. Apen, Armor, MR, Apen
8. Apen, AS, MR, Apen
9. Apen, Armor, mp5/lvl, Hp5
10. Apen, Dodge, CDR, MS
11. Mpen, Hp/lvl, CDR, CDR

I'll list the runes he uses more than once, to get an idea of what we need.
Marks: Apen (6), Mpen (5)
Seals: Dodge (3), Hp/lvl (3), Armor (2), mp5/lvl (2)
Glyphs: MR (4), CDR (4)
Quints: Apen (4), MS (3)

With the exception of Hp/lvl seals, all of the runes listed there are the ones I use in the above calculations. So whose runes aren't going to be competitive, again?

Mpen/mp5/CDR, my mage page, is there. Apen/Armor/MR, my tanky jungler page, is there. Apen/Dodge/CDR, my default physical page, is there twice.

So the major difference between you and Hotshot is the number of rune pages, not the number of runes. If you're at that level, dropping $15 or whatever on the rune page bundle would not be a bad idea. But anywhere below that, you shouldn't give a ****. There's far more effective ways to improve your Elo than getting obsessive about having THE BEST RUNE PAGES EVAR. How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Of course, one side effect of those more effective ways is getting IP, which you can spend to further your obsession with rune page optimization; but it's not necessary.

In practice, at most you'll need 4 rune pages: physical, magic, jungler, and manaless mage. I regard even that as unnecessarily fine-tuned below 1800 Elo, but to each his own.

In closing:
Originally Posted by VENUMB View Post
these are the only 2 runepages i use right now (check my runepages in game if you dont believe me)

mpen/ flat armor/ mr per level/ gold per 10
apen/ flat armor/ mr per level/ gold per 10

also I play a wide variety of champs and am 1900 soloqueue

if I had more pages I would probably make more pages, but honestly when I just hop into soloqueue with no idea who im going to play, those 2 pages work great and the total ip cost was INCREDIBLY cheap.
You can also fill any role your team would need with just 450 heroes.
Those pages cost 15,990 IP. That gives you another 17,220 IP to buy champs on top of the 9 listed above. Go wild.

The thing that got my attention mostly was these two rune pages;

mpen/ flat armor/ mr per level/ gold per 10
apen/ flat armor/ mr per level/ gold per 10

I think I'll make a set of those and try them out =P
Australians, the best gamers in the world combined with the worst ping.
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 23, 2011 7:33pm | Report
I've been running this for a while....
Nobody said they were any good...

Thank you to jhoijhoi for the sig, and all the dividers in the guide.

caucheka's Forum Avatar
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May 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 23, 2011 8:33pm | Report
i run those 2 pages except with flat health quints. thats only 5 sets of runes and they work on every champion.
I like things that make me feel stupid. - Ken Levine
B-Wong's Forum Avatar
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Jun 14th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 23, 2011 8:57pm | Report
Dat maths.

EDIT: Erased something that made me look like a total ****ing idiot.

Xiaowiriamu's Forum Avatar
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Nov 27th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 23, 2011 9:00pm | Report
Interesting to be honest. :D

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