Is Jax going to not suck anymore?
Better than before but not even close to the real Jax.
You're not tanky as hell, you're just a bit more tanky and not forced to build complete metagolem, while lacking a definite type of dmg resulting in a decrease of penetration and lifeleech utility.
IMO you're now just forced to build your dmg depending on the enemy team.
- TF
- If not: Rylai's or F.Mallet.
- Zerker's -> Mercury's/Ninja's
- Hextech
- Guinsoo's
The enemy got an unbalanced dmg output on physical/magical -> build AD/AP.
Sth like his pre-nerf build with more focus on some early HP.
But still, he's way weaker than his former self.
Ok, pre-nerf Jax was a ***** after he got hands on his 2nd item, but that remolded E bugs the hell out of me.
You're not tanky as hell, you're just a bit more tanky and not forced to build complete metagolem, while lacking a definite type of dmg resulting in a decrease of penetration and lifeleech utility.
IMO you're now just forced to build your dmg depending on the enemy team.
- TF
- If not: Rylai's or F.Mallet.
- Zerker's -> Mercury's/Ninja's
- Hextech
- Guinsoo's
The enemy got an unbalanced dmg output on physical/magical -> build AD/AP.
Sth like his pre-nerf build with more focus on some early HP.
But still, he's way weaker than his former self.
Ok, pre-nerf Jax was a ***** after he got hands on his 2nd item, but that remolded E bugs the hell out of me.
I think TBH that Atmogg's / Infinity Edge is a potentially viable build now.
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Maybe even Gunblade, Rageblade, Atmogs, Triforce, and boots would make him really strong again.