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Trying to learn to jungle....

Creator: Zid0 December 20, 2013 3:13am
Bioalchemist's Forum Avatar
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Feb 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 20, 2013 9:03am | Report
yeah i just picked up Elise and i am loving her but her kit is pretty difficult to pick up especially if you just started playing LoL.

i agree with luizdeh on maybe trying easier kits first like Xin Zhao, Vi, or Volibear even, he is pretty easy to pick up and pretty safe. Jarvan IV is a little harder but yeah. Amumu is good at lower levels/elo cause not as much counter jungle happens so also a good choice.

Thanks to jhoijhoi for my signature!

Master Ironfist
Master Ironfist's Forum Avatar
Dec 15th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 9, 2014 3:10pm | Report
Good mobility is HUGE on a jungler, especially if you are new because you can back out of your mistakes and escape or get where you need to be faster if you dont yet have good game sense for where the action is about to happen.

Vi and Jarvan are great for that and are great champions for newer players. They can both easily jump all kinds of wall to surprise attack or to escape.

Volibear is nice because he is such a tank and has good mobility but i feel like it is harder to have a big impact on games as Voli unless you are playing on a coordinated team.
C4 Lasty
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Jan 30th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 9, 2014 6:54pm | Report
GEE If only there was an informative podcast out there about jungling. Some sort of Jungle Nation if you will. Go through General Discussion and find the Jungle Nation post. Watch all of my podcasts.
The Trashcat
The Trashcat's Forum Avatar
Jan 11th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 11, 2014 9:27pm | Report
First of all, I wouldn't recommend jungling, even at level 20, since it is so stat based. But, if you insist I can point you in the right direction.

To deny counter jungling: Wards wards wards, wards are your best friends. Ask teammates if they can keep a lookout for the jungler and have them notify you of his/her position. OR, you could be doing the counter jungling. For an example, I used to always do this, after I got blue and wolves I would go down to the enemy's red buff and wait for him to get it to half health or so and then kill him and smite the red. It puts you in the lead and the chances the enemy will counter-jungle will be very low.

To prevent having to recall: It sounds like you are in a need of a sustain jungler. I would recommend a sustain jungler and not the current ones you are playing since you're level 20. Some champions I would recommend: Fiddlesticks and Aatrox, I can't think of any others, but those champions are the lords of sustain. You will find that with those champions, you will almost never have to leave to go get health.

I hope this helped!
cyryn's Forum Avatar
Jan 11th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 12, 2014 3:43am | Report
Amumu is a great champion to start with for jungling. I started with Amumu and Rammus before working my way towards other champions.

Amu's kit isn't too hard to get the hang of allowing you to focus more on the aspect of jungling. Rammus will allow you to get around quickly and build your confidence in which targets to focus due to his single target taunt.
Latest Legend
Latest Legend's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 12, 2014 4:27am | Report
Master Yi is too reliant on pure damage(and therefore items and gold). If you miss your Q with Cho'Gath your gank is over. I'd recommend junglers which can be played tanky with high CC and tricks such as Jarvan IV(get the ult right), Lee Sin(takes some time), Vi(point and click ult), Elise(takes some time), Jax(just as with Lee, buy wards) and Nautilus(point and click ult).

I wouldn't recommend: Shyvana(hard because item-reliant because no CC), Shaco(hard because heavily snowball-reliant), Leona(same), Udyr(hard because not enough gap-closing capability) and Warwick(ult-reliant and just not so good at the moment)

There's a place for Amumu but I wonder if you can decently clear without nice runes and masteries.

Top is a really easy lane to gank because it's long and there's usually only one champion in it. Buy some wards and ward your jungle. Coordinate with your teammates if you're going to try and steal a buff. Don't be afraid to use ults in a gank so you can at least get a summoner spell off the enemy and/or make them go back to base and lose farm and eventually their turret.

Try not to save lost lanes but to make so-so lanes snowball. It's usually better to gank top a few times than to try save bot from total annihilation. Just give up on that tower and move on. Also, never die during a gank. That'll just make the life of the laner worse than better.

Good luck!
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
-NA- Veng Lmfao
<Altruistic Artist>
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Jul 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 12, 2014 6:11am | Report

I disagree with the Udyr remark.

Udyr was my first ever jungler. He made me fall in love with the role.
This is because he has amazing clear from Wingborne Storm (therefore runes and masteries aren't being neglected too much), and great sustain from Iron Mantle.
Gapclosers at pre30 are not as important as they are to 30's, as a lot of pre-30's have no idea how to kite properly or don't understand the concept of orb walking // stutter stepping.

TL;DR - Udyr was my first ever jungler. He has good clear and sustain. I recommend him.
<Inhouse Addict>
Hannul's Forum Avatar
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Jan 3rd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 12, 2014 10:48am | Report

Master Yi is too reliant on pure damage(and therefore items and gold). If you miss your Q with Cho'Gath your gank is over. I'd recommend junglers which can be played tanky with high CC and tricks such as Jarvan IV(get the ult right), Lee Sin(takes some time), Vi(point and click ult), Elise(takes some time), Jax(just as with Lee, buy wards) and Nautilus(point and click ult).

I wouldn't recommend: Shyvana(hard because item-reliant because no CC), Shaco(hard because heavily snowball-reliant), Leona(same), Udyr(hard because not enough gap-closing capability) and Warwick(ult-reliant and just not so good at the moment)

There's a place for Amumu but I wonder if you can decently clear without nice runes and masteries.

Top is a really easy lane to gank because it's long and there's usually only one champion in it. Buy some wards and ward your jungle. Coordinate with your teammates if you're going to try and steal a buff. Don't be afraid to use ults in a gank so you can at least get a summoner spell off the enemy and/or make them go back to base and lose farm and eventually their turret.

Try not to save lost lanes but to make so-so lanes snowball. It's usually better to gank top a few times than to try save bot from total annihilation. Just give up on that tower and move on. Also, never die during a gank. That'll just make the life of the laner worse than better.

Good luck!

I can dive three people as Warwick late game and still survive. his early is bad his mid is okay and his late is broken. He's also one of the most sustain junglers but also the most blue reliant

Basically how I play LoL
Inquisitor_Kane's Forum Avatar
Jul 11th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 17, 2014 8:17am | Report
I started to learn jungle few weeks ago, here is what I picked up so far:

1. Start jungling with champs like Xin Zhao, Udyr, Shyvana, Volibear, Vi, Rammus or Malphite. They have great jungling abilities and sustain, so they are easy for start, since for now you have to do 2 things at once:
  • learn what is jungling about and how to do it
  • learn how to jungle with that champion

Don't even think about squishie junglers as Fiddlesticks, Shaco or Evelynn, you will be dead most of the time and learn nothing.

Some may say Malphite sux in jungle. Sure, there are better champs, but he has such sustain, it gives you time to learn about jungling, without being scared of enemy jungler.

Important: don't buy more than 2-3 junglers for now and learn to master one of them. When you learn how to survive with that champ, you can focus on actual jungling mechanics and how to think as a jungler (what to do and when).

2. Start jungling in bot games.
There will be no enemy jungler and bots are plain stupid, so you have all the time in the world to learn which jungle route is best for you, how to gank, when to gank... and sine your team don't really need you, nobody will shout at you that you are not ganking and such :)

When I get new jungler, I always try one or two bot games (or customs), so I can see how good they are with clearing the camps. So when I later on play normal game, I know which skills to take and have an idea of what to do with that champ.

After bot games go for blind picks, so nobody will ban or take your jungler. Later on go for drafts.

3. Watch YouTube
I learned nearly everything just by watching pros jungling. Just type name of your champ, add S4, add jungle and look up some diamond players commenting on them playing that champion. ALso don't forget to look for stuff like "lol jungle tips" "lol jungle beginner" "how to jungle lol" and *****load of other phrases. You will ifnd tons of useful videos.

4. Brace yourself
People will hate you, swear and rage at you, because you will be useless. Just say "first time jungler" at the beginning of the match, and if they start to abuse you, MUTE THEM. You don't need to get distracted by idiots who takes normal games as if they were playing championship for some real money.

And remember the golden rule "Always blame the jungler". :D Some times no matter how good you are, if they can't secure the kill or get killed by enemy jungler because they did not use the wards or whatever.. it will be YOUR FAULT of course :D

GL ;)
I thank myself for this awesome sig!!!
EndingLegacy's Forum Avatar
Jan 17th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 17, 2014 7:59pm | Report
Jungling at a low level is hard because you don't have armor runes or you don't really know what your doing with your masteries.

Spec mostly in defense, and you should probably play some of the tankier junglers.

Elise is pretty strong right now, and you can build her tanky or damage.

Easiest Champions to Jungle with are ones with super hard CC.

Try Udyr, Vi, Jarvan, Xin Zhao, Nautilus, Nocturne, Evelynn, and Maokai.

They all can pull of pretty decent ganks.

I would recommend going Ancient Golem first, after boots.

If your playing a more carry type jungler like Khazix, feel free to go Elder Lizard.

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