"Noob" doesn't originate from video games players.

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The term "noob" actually originates out of underground Mortal Kombat gambling rings from back in the early 90s. Noob Saibot was a character in the game. He was woefully underpowered but had a really awesome design, so new players always picked him. Thus bad players were called "noobs" because they sucked as bad as Noob Saibot. This became generalized and spread to other fighting games, and eventually got online and into other genres with the introduction of StarCraft.

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example1013 wrote:
The term "noob" actually originates out of underground Mortal Kombat gambling rings from back in the early 90s. Noob Saibot was a character in the game. He was woefully underpowered but had a really awesome design, so new players always picked him. Thus bad players were called "noobs" because they sucked as bad as Noob Saibot. This became generalized and spread to other fighting games, and eventually got online and into other genres with the introduction of StarCraft.
And then came the newest MK game and he's fine. TPSmashTPSmashTPSmashTPSmashTPSmash and.... flawless victory!
example1013 wrote:
The term "noob" actually originates out of underground Mortal Kombat gambling rings from back in the early 90s. Noob Saibot was a character in the game. He was woefully underpowered but had a really awesome design, so new players always picked him. Thus bad players were called "noobs" because they sucked as bad as Noob Saibot. This became generalized and spread to other fighting games, and eventually got online and into other genres with the introduction of StarCraft.
this is very interesting thank you for sharing that!
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