DuffTime wrote:
Ye I almost went out and got one just for the self casting thing. It makes a **** huge difference on champs with important shields like Morganna or Lee Sin or whatever when the spell is incoming and smart cast hitboxes are acting funny...
Not like there's time to open the menu tab and change your key bind to self cast when the missile that will win/lose you the fight is incoming depending on how you react.
And on some champs you want both options, even though smartcasting yourself can be fussy sometimes, not sure if anyone else has had this issue.
For now I just use my ****ty 5 year old 10$ mouse, lol.
I'd recommend picking up a Razer mouse in general, even if you can't afford the Naga the .1ms response time on the gold plated connections are insane. My father is an architect and I bought him one of the simple 3 button Razers for Christmas and it scared him how sensitive it was. When you click 10k+ times a day you really notice when you aren't using a high performance mouse.
+Rep if I helped you! | Ahri guide out soon!

Thanks to LeCorpse for my Signature!
example1013 wrote:
Don't smartcast spells for allies default to self-cast if you **** up the cursor position? I feel like on Lee Sin when I miss with the shield it just goes on me alone. Does it act differently if you specifically self-cast as opposed to just not targeting anything?
Sorry for double post but too difficult to edit in a quote when I'm on my phone. Yes it does that, but a lot of times is harder to just **** up cursor positioning then to just click yourself. IE

+Rep if I helped you! | Ahri guide out soon!

Thanks to LeCorpse for my Signature!
Protocol wrote:
Sorry for double post but too difficult to edit in a quote when I'm on my phone. Yes it does that, but a lot of times is harder to just **** up cursor positioning then to just click yourself. IE

To be honest, specifically talking about lee sin, I actually have more trouble targeting minions when I want to than I do accidentally hitting them when I don't.

I hear all the time that razer **** breaks like a boss o:

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
1. The Naga has a 1 year warrenty, not a lifetime warrenty.
2. Logitech's good mice start at $70, not $30.
The mouse by default is mapped to the 123456890-= keys.
You shouldn't have to remap anything to accomplish that.
2. Logitech's good mice start at $70, not $30.
Protocol wrote:
I also like the Idea of rerouting my 1-6 keys onto the mouse so I don't have to reach up.
The mouse by default is mapped to the 123456890-= keys.
You shouldn't have to remap anything to accomplish that.
Tri lane for life.
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