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How does the voting and scoring system work?

Creator: Matt October 14, 2010 9:30pm
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Matt's Forum Avatar
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Dec 8th, 2009
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 14, 2010 9:30pm | Report
The voting/scoring system in its current state works as such (updated December 2016):

  • Any logged in member can vote, once per guide.
  • IP tracking prevents abuse from users creating dummy accounts to vote multiple times on one guide.
  • A user may change their vote at any time from the same account that originally cast the vote.
  • The percentage score is calculated using a Bayesian Average based on a combination of the score and the total number of votes.
  • Any attempts to cheat the system will result in a ban, the deletion of your votes and the deletion of your guide.
  • New guides can be highlighted by Scouts to get a banner displayed next to them. This does not directly affect their score but will result in more exposure and hence more comments/votes.
  • Guides that have all fields filled out and a description longer than 5000 characters (including BBcode) will be marked as a "full guide" and given extra exposure.
  • Guide ranking is determined based on a recent subset of votes - not the total votes on a guide. This helps ensure votes don't lose their weight against older guides with thousands of existing votes.

The Bayesian Average formula is designed to weight scores according to the total number of votes the guide has received. The more votes a guide has, the less the weight affects the score. The weights pull the score up or down towards a site average. If you have low votes and a low score, it will increase your score to give you a fighting chance. If you have low votes and a high score, it will decrease your score so as not to displace guides that have a high number of votes and a high score. This system strives to be fair and impartial to all guides:

  • It allows us to compare and rank guides regardless of their age.
  • It gives a fair score to new guides that do not have many votes yet.
  • It prevents new guides from rapidly climbing or falling in rank before we have an accurate score.
  • It counteracts "rogue voting" - that is, votes that go against the general opinion will have a smaller affect on the score due to the weights.

This formula is not something we came up with, it is widely used on sites that rank similar content together. IMDB is known to use the formula heavily throughout their site, for example.

As I said above, the system will probably never be totally final, but after several iterations it is MUCH better than the original system. No scoring system will be able to make everyone perfectly happy. The fatal flaw in any system is that some people just refuse to play nicely, and will vote out of spite or competitiveness rather than their real opinion. Our goals with this system and any future changes are to minimize the affect such activities can have across the site and to help the best, most well thought out guides gain the exposure and chance they deserve.
Restrictnine#5232's Forum Avatar
Jul 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 14, 2010 11:08pm | Report
Well i had a great post but i apparently was logged out during it so im gonna make it short cuz im tired. If someone has a troll post, there should be the option to vote for the post and if the post gets enough negative votes, that person's vote on the guide is discounted. :) tedious, but just an idea to throw out there.
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Guides By RestrictNine, A.K.A. Taggrin
Oberron's Forum Avatar
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Aug 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 15, 2010 4:33pm | Report
I posted thisin another thread, but here it is again.

You could actually give a set amount of votes per day/week/month to each user, flag users who constantly rate one way or the other, and/or flag users who submit a lot of votes in a short period of time for moderator review. I know this would mean more work for moderators, but at least it'll slow the trolls some.
Restrictnine#5232's Forum Avatar
Jul 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 20, 2010 8:33pm | Report
Could you by any chance check what the deal is with the Lux guides? because for some reason, i feel like someone is spam downvoting the Lux guides. Im not necessarily saying my guide deserves all upvotes, but 12 downvotes out of 23 isnt exactly good, and even the top guide is down a lot. and EVERY SINGLE guide below us is at least 0/1. No new guides whatsoever.
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Guides By RestrictNine, A.K.A. Taggrin
Apotheosis's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 20, 2010 8:51pm | Report
Lol, that happens every time a new champion is released :P I made a guide for the public that I still use when Vlad came out, and boom, rogue shafted. It was amazing :D But yea, the best guide at the time had troubles as well. I'd say give it some time, and they'll stop trolling Lux excessively.
Dirty Goolash
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Mar 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 20, 2010 9:19pm | Report
Oberron wrote:

I posted thisin another thread, but here it is again.

You could actually give a set amount of votes per day/week/month to each user, flag users who constantly rate one way or the other, and/or flag users who submit a lot of votes in a short period of time for moderator review. I know this would mean more work for moderators, but at least it'll slow the trolls some.

We've already discussed this. I we limit the number o votes, then people might be tempted to save their votes, and certain guides wouldn't get the votes they deserve. As for flagging users who constantly vote one way, that wouldn't work either. There are users who only vote down the spam builds and don't vote up the good builds but simply leave a comment because they believe comments are more important. This would cause users who still vote fairly to be banned. As for submitting a lot of votes in a short time, that wouldn't work either. People who vote on every build wou8ld be submitting a lot of votes in a short time, and get banned for it.

The voting system is a lot harder to make fair than it seems. There are so many factors to consider. Really the only way to fix it completyely is to monitor each and every account, which would require WAY too much work.
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Apotheosis's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 20, 2010 11:17pm | Report
It's sadly true, way too much to take into consideration when expressing thoughts and ideas. Usually there's always going to be a downfall to an idea, which is why we're still in the same predicament that we've been in for quite some time now. For the time being, trolls will run freely, but veterans will still be handing out recommendations. If you care about your guide receiving more attention, I'd recommend giving an informative description. The issue has been discussed a lot, but I'll bring it up again. There's too many guides out there without proper descriptions that have great potential. Tell us why your guide is better than the rest or why it's unique compared to others. I swear that you will eventually become noticed if you do this. I don't like to bring my guide into the discussion, but it's a primary example of what I'm talking about. Made it in June, and it took at least two months to gain recognition. Nowadays, there's implements showing the top guides in the past 30 days. Veterans are handing out their recommendations as well, and these will bring you to the top. All you have to do is give them a reason to recommend you. Remember, your description is key to your guide! If you don't make progress within a month or two, then ask yourself: Do I have a proper description? Am I copying other builds with my own description? Does my build and description make sense? I was in all of your shoes at a point in time, never gave up hope, but rather commented on other guides, some of the same class and some not. This brought their attention to my guide and they helped me get to the point I'm at today.

Moral of the story is, never give up hope, but rather give it your all. Think about the viewers instead of the number of votes you receive. This really helps I swear and truly think about it, because to many people overlook it. I'd say 70-80% of the people who read this comment will overlook this statement and carry on not having learned a thing. Good luck!
Oberron's Forum Avatar
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Aug 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 21, 2010 12:46am | Report
I never said anything about banning accounts, but I see where you are coming from. I had put in another thread making it a votes/time basis and have seen the criticism on that as well. Normalized ratings have made a dramatic improvement IMO, but mayhaps not setting a % on a build until it has a set number of votes would be a good idea to start on.
Domainoft's Forum Avatar
Jan 29th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 31, 2011 9:49am | Report

Well i had a great post but i apparently was logged out during it so im gonna make it short cuz im tired. If someone has a troll post, there should be the option to vote for the post and if the post gets enough negative votes, that person's vote on the guide is discounted. :) tedious, but just an idea to throw out there.

I agree with this, and in addition several sites actually hide posts that get enough negitive votes, "Such as the LoL forums, to name one"
Not enough time to come up with a random awesome sig. So this will have to do. Get over it.
Jebus McAzn
<Retired Moderator>
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 31, 2011 10:07am | Report
The problem with that is that in a great guide, there are an overwhelming number of people who love the guide. Even if a downvote is well thought out, it can still be -1ed, "trolling the troller", so to speak.
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