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Are people always gonna be this narrow-minded?

Creator: SkidmarkD April 2, 2013 1:33am
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SkidmarkD's Forum Avatar
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Mar 27th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 2, 2013 1:33am | Report
Scott Azrael
Scott Azrael's Forum Avatar
Jan 31st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 2, 2013 5:09am | Report
Don't feel bad, I see some of this stuff almost every game.

The worst was when I was jungling Hecarim one game. I was something like 0-5-12. I was trying to make sure my carries got the kills, then they started complaining because they weren't doing anything with them and we were losing. One of them started to say that I was the reason they were losing because I was 0-5. I don't remember exactly what champs they were using, but they were champs that needed to get fed, so that's what I did. And we still lost. We couldn't even really make it to late game because they played so poorly.

That's the problem with most people who play games. They don't want to think they were the reason they lost the game. It's why a lot of people will say "we won" when their favorite sports team wins, but "they lost" otherwise.

It's tough trying to stay positive and work as a team when you have someone constantly dragging the entire team down. The other thing though is that it seems like the higher level you get, the more people start to understand the game. I'm not saying they all understand that you can have fewer kills than the other team and still win, but it seems you have more than understand that it's not just about kills.
Schirmo's Forum Avatar
Jun 30th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 2, 2013 7:10am | Report

1) People seem to think kill/death ratio is the only thing that matters.

First, to have a good kill death ratio is definantly preferable but it will not win games. Other aspects are as important as the kill-death ratio, like farm, positioning, mapawareness, etc. Keep in mind that if you keep on playing and reach a decent rating, the number of flamer, leavers and narrow minded people decrease although they won't vanish completely :D. Tipp: Try to look for mates that you don't have to play with too much randoms.

2) People seem to think certain champs have certain roles and should never deviate from them.

Almost all professional players use this meta because it works. Doing odd things can work, but alot of players assume that everything else is just wrong and you are going to troll. Tipp: If you want to try something new, test it in custom games or with frinds that can give you a feedback. Peaople you don't know aren't as reasonable as your mates.

3) People seem to think 2 vs 1, no matter the state of HP/Mana, are always good odds.

As you already guessed, it is situational. The higher your knowladge about matchups and mechanics is, the more precise will your decisions about engaging become. Tipp: Show him that u wont initiate with a ping and explain it to him why that he probably won't flame.

There is still alot of things that I could add to my explenations. All in all, smile because you can't kill all the narrow minded players XD. The pre leve 30 area is really annoying but it will get better if you keep on. If you are interessted, send me a PM and we could arrange an appointment to discuss theses and other things further or even play a few games together.

EU West
Bioalchemist's Forum Avatar
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Feb 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 2, 2013 2:13pm | Report
the answer is yes/no. you can increase your chances of staying away from incompetent *******s by making friends with the few people out there who actually understand that this game involves 5 people working together and that it is rare to have a single person win a match. I think all of your points are valid.

1) KDA ratio is not important unless you are a feeding machine. as jungle and support main I often go 2/4/20 or something. this is a good score as your job in either roll is really to snowball your lanes. also. objectives are a big part of the game. i would say more so than killing champs unless someone has a high bounty...objectives are obviously not factored into your kda ratio.

2)people think they are pro. and given that you are level are probably matched up with other lvl 20 something...and they probably still think they are pro. yes certain things probably won't work at higher levels and elo but at that lvl anything goes...I hope you rubbed the dog **** in their face after you annihilated their towers and nexus.

3)god..this one I still see a lot at lvl 30. 9/10 times it is a bad idea to pursue ANYONE. I saw someone chase hecarim the other day..I was like...WTF ITS HECARIM. unless they are at 10% health and you have a really good gap closer...let it ride. again you can avoid this by finding competent players and befriending them.

hang in there. you will meet some cool people and than games will be much more fun and you won't have to worry about stupid chumps..and if the enemy flames you through all chat you can always just block them...than beat them...than rub it in their face. I like to spam dance.

Thanks to Hogopogo for my signature!

grrg's Forum Avatar
Feb 7th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 3, 2013 2:15pm | Report
Holy **** yes. This post is gold. Just keep thinking the way you are and get through it. Eventually you will come out on top.
More Waffles
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Apr 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 3, 2013 4:30pm | Report
I've played games where the team score was 20 - 30, and we still beat them at the end of the game. I've seen people simply obsessed with killing. I don't know how many times I've been stuck tanking an inhibitor tower for my team, and then they run off to score another kill. Busting a tower is more important to me than scoring a kill. I see a kill as simply getting me the cash I need to get the stuff I need to take their nexus end game.

I've also learned to hate being a support because of the mentality. My Support Alistar games I die more frequently trying to peel people off my carry. And then get accused of feeding BY my carry because he's 8/2 and I'm 0/9 trying to save him from his stupid mistakes, bad positioning, or what have you.

And 0/3 is not bad, nor feeding. Sometimes enemies get on a good roll, or they have a much stronger early game. Hell, I've been destroyed under a tower by some champs and called a feeder. Unless you're looking at 0/3 in the first five minutes of a game, or reach something like 0/10 with no assists, you're good.

And, your third point is dead on, thank you. I really wish more people thought like this.
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Jo3HooDYo's Forum Avatar
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Nov 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 3, 2013 5:34pm | Report
I agree with grrg. Don't pay attention to the team chat unless people are asking for help or being supportive. LoL is now the League of Trolls. Keep that in mind. I hardly ever play normal games with randoms anymore. I get on Skype with my friends and we do 5v5 altogether. Helps LOADS. If you are a support, you should only really be getting kills if your carry is dead/away and it will be easy to do.
That being said I've played many Nunu & Willump games were my KD was something like 6/10/20.
Just keep swimming my friend.
Woebegonenick's Forum Avatar
Mar 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 3, 2013 8:54pm | Report
A lot people freak out in the game they are playing but after it is all over they play another 12 games after that so I don't know why people get mad in one game when they are going to play another soon after
<Retired Moderator>
DEWO's Forum Avatar
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Feb 15th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 4, 2013 6:04am | Report
1st of all welcome to the League...

SkidmarkD wrote:
People seem to think kill/death ratio is the only thing that matters.

Well it tends to end up this way becouse apart fomr DOTA this game always glorified champion killing. It was always a more PvP game than DOTA. Ofc now in pro leagues they show how ppl are wrong and that farm creeps > farm champions, but ppl are still getting buzzed on kills and it always will be like that. It is easy to lasthit minions, and that gives no satisfaction. Killing another player, that thinks and that accualy can kill you is another story. So K/D ratios will stay here unless you go realy pro or high ranked in your ranked games. My tip on that one... get a full team or play support. Noone will be focusing on your K/D ratio... and if they do... than they are probably ******s :)

SkidmarkD wrote:
People seem to think certain champs have certain roles and should never deviate from them.

This happened imho when LoL became a metagame game. Each team that wants to win has to have this and this and this and that, and there are particular pool of champions that you have to play in a particular way.
This is ofc not true... we are not pro's so it doesnt matter much. If you suck you will suck. That is the truth. And everyone can have a bad day too. Suggestion... stick to your friends and team, play normals and just have fun.

SkidmarkD wrote:
People seem to think 2 vs 1, no matter the state of HP/Mana, are always good odds.

Usualy i must say it is true. It is a matter of burst and avaible abilities. You have 8 abilities vs 4. But this is purely situational thing so... it might be a good idea and it might be a double kill on you. Nothing we can do about it exept learning our champion limits.

:) my 0,02$
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Thanks to jhoijhoi for the sig!
More Waffles
More Waffles's Forum Avatar
Apr 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 5, 2013 11:56pm | Report
DEFINITELY play more champs. I played with my brother and his friends up until level 30, and was primarily placed in top lane. Once I hit 30, I was suddenly thrown into other roles with no experience. People are SLIGHTLY more understanding about "First time playing this role/champ/et cetera" when you're under level 30.
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