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Best jungler?

Creator: jitterbug14 November 8, 2014 9:45pm
13 posts - page 2 of 2
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The_Nameless_Bard's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 10, 2014 7:54am | Report
PsiGuard wrote:
If you want to try a different champion without spending much IP, Warwick, Nunu & Willump and Fiddlesticks are all fairly cheap and really easy to clear with even if you don't have optimal runes.
I feel like Udyr should be mentioned with these, though he's not super cheap....having recently played on an account with no runes (level 14 to be exact): it's easier to clear both safely and at a not terrible speed without runes on Udyr than it is with Warwick. Warwick is safe but excruciatingly slow feeling.
Vorcia's Forum Avatar
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Jul 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 10, 2014 1:17pm | Report
Udyr is trash, Lee Sin isn't worth picking either despite him being the most annoying champ in this game.

Rammus, Kha'Zix, Amumu, Warwick, Jarvan IV, Vi, and Fiddlesticks are the strongest junglers atm, but not exactly in that order. Rammus is stupid broken though, literally freelo.
<Ancient Member>
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 10, 2014 1:30pm | Report
yea, Udyr's bad, but he's pretty easy to play without runes, that was my only point.
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